Horrible new symptom...like a flu, aching all over, freezing cold and nausea..!!!! Help

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Hello ladies....yesterday i felt like i was coming down with a bug and lord, headache, aching all over and freezing cold....i had to go into shower to heat myself up....it calmed down but during the night it happened again and had to turn electic blanket on...like the opposite of a hot flush....the aching in my body awful as well as headaches....

Im moving home, relocating and moving job in a month..lots going on and i thought i was getting past some of this as i want to feel well for my move....

Girls i have seen posts where people feel cold, achy and fluey and this is totally out of the blue for me.....i barely made it to work this morning..would love to hear if you experience simular....

Thx in advance


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey honey, I've had both hot and cold flushes and aches and pains. Sometimes it so hard to differentiate between menopause or just a bug. Could be either but if you don't usually get these symptoms then I'm inclined to think it's a bug. Sorry, couldn't help much. Donna xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    Sorry you're not feeling well. I think meno can include some of your symptoms, but it may well be you're just run down and under the weather. I think sometimes we link 1656 symptoms at the time of meno, but moving is stressful! Working whilst moving is stressful. Working whilst moving whilst having a family is stressful. Just wrap up, maybe treat it like flu until its proved otherwise. Hope you feel better, and happy new home! ? Xx

    • Posted

      Sassyr....thank you....yes its all go mentally and taking this all into account.....lots of change ...but thank you so much x
  • Posted

    Hey Carol, firstly well done for making it into work, what a trouper ! I’m the same it takes a lot to keep me off work, need something to distract myself from the symptoms! So funnily enough I had some cold chills last night, had a nice hot bath and put it down to the change in weather - but then I was awake half the night, felt nausea, hot and sweaty, anxiety, tremor - so I think it’s a return of my symptoms after 10 blissful days of feeling ‘ normal’ gutted x
  • Posted

    Oh Karen...the return of them catches us by suprise....thank you for the reply and just need to put one foot in front if the other and take my move as it comes...id be lost without you ladies...hope you feel better soon there..😊 CK

    • Posted

      How are you feeling now Carol? I’ve had the nausea all day, ready for bed already! Do you get symptoms in cycles? 10 days seems to generally be the amount I go between having symptoms and without...
    • Posted

      Hi Karen , my symptoms definitely cycle! I had 8 good days and now I'm in my downward spiral of 3 bad weeks straight... I guess 8 to 10 days seems to be the norm!!! Ugggg we definitely need more good days here, wouldn't you say???

    • Posted

      Hi karen...this flu has subsided but i regarding pattern of symtoms , it can be at anytime...at times my neasuea is worse than other time....its all a mystery but i know it is passing .....hope it will pass for you soon also. CK
  • Posted

    Hi Carol, I'm not sure either what's been going around if its all hormones or not but I've been feeling much of the same, and the headaches are awful!! Coming going staying, one sided , I'm thinking allergies from high pollen , but who knows , it sure is bad now though... Hope you get relief soon, take care ?

  • Posted

    Hi carol. 

    I suffer terrible with the cold. So much so that I get a pain across my shoulders and it feels. Like all my muscles have ceased up and like I can’t breath .   Feels like something blocked in my shoulder or back that effects my breathing.    So I get a water bottle to warm me up. And sometimes get in the bed. and as soon as. I warm up I’m fine again.  But I do notice that a day or two before my period I rattle with the cold. Out of now where.  

    • Posted

      Hi michelle....its crazy....this was a new one for me....lord above...what next...😊 lol...if you didnt laugh youd cry.....hope you are feeling better...CK

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