Horrible perimenopause for 2 years! only 31! Any advice? Any help?
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?I have Pmdd symptoms the 3 days before my period starts for the last 6 years which has become progressively worse year by year...affecting my last relationship and generally my social life...
?On May 2016 I had a sudden laparoscopic surgery due to ovarian cyst rupture...Since then my life has been a torture!
?I have all the perimenopause symptoms on a daily basis.. I quit my job , I quit everything because of the horrible pains.
?The first new symptom after my surgery was gastritis and reflux ( I think that antibiotics that prescribed after the operation played a role to the manifestation of gastritis)
?I felt burning stomach till my throat for first time in my life within a week after finishing the antibiotics...lump sensation in my throat, excessive amounts of burping, no appetite ( during the whole summer 2016 I had no appetite at all and I lost kilos), excessive saliva and generally speaking all the symptoms of reflux.
?I did the appropriate exams and the results were mild gastritis, multiple events of NON acid reflux ( meaning saliva) and a little bile reflux. The doctor prescribed me riopan gel instead of PPI ... In June 2016 another doctor gave me omeprazole and I became worse, I was coughing and couldn't breath.
?At the same time for first time in my life, I had allergic rhinitis! I was prepscirbed antistamine and spray for my sinus.
?The other constant symptoms that I have are constant fatigue, IBS ( gas, diarreah along with constipation), severe mood swings irritablitity and depression, panic attacks agoraphobia, yelling to my mother without reason and after crying ( it is uncontrollable), non existant sex drive, hot flashes and cold chills, insomnia, itching and formication on my scalp, constant dreaming ( vivid dreams every night), heart palpitatiosn here and there, joint and bone pain especially when the weather is hot and humid, hypoglucemic episodes every day...Pmdd the week before my period starts...the only week that I feel better is the third week of my cycle...
I also have to mention that I can feel my ovulation ( sometimes I have early ovulation maybe the 9 or 10 day ) and it is very painful and I am crying all the day..
?I visited many and different doctors and I was telling them that I believe that I have hormonal issue and they insisted that I am too young for this...Go to a psychiatrist, you have anxiety disorder
?Finally last month, I visited a new doctor and my blood hormone results are the following:
FSH 20,3
LH 18,3
Estradiol 23
?the ultrasound showed a large ovarian cyst approximately 6 cm that has to be removed surgically!
?The doctor told me that my ovaries are still working well??? but the values are not compatible to my age! I described him again all of my symptoms but he did not seem to believe me how much interfering with my daily life
?I am sure that I am going through perimenopause stage and no help had been offered to me.
?What else can I do in order to ameliorate my psychical and emotional symptoms? I am desperate..My life is over
?In my opinion I am very young to feel like this..Perimenopause may start at early 40's or after 35 but no at 30's..This is not normal, it is a disease..Is it genetic or sth autoimmune which affects the function of my ovaries?
?What can I do to help my body? I want to become active person again...SInce May 2016, the most days I am house bound
Thank u and sorry for the long post
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FemaleBrain evi75119
Hi there,
I can completely relate to your post. I have had many of the same symptoms you have had and it is so frustrating, scary and life changing. But you can't give up!
I have been through the ringer when it comes to treatment and ways of coping. I have a history of depression and anxiety, which was horrendously aggravated by the perimenopause.
I am somewhat stable now, with the help of a compassionate doctor and alot of research, trial and error and faith.
My dr. has me on Prempro, which has helped me more than Premarin or Bio-identical hormone cream. I'm also on Seroquel, Lexapro, Buspar and Lamictil. But it's still so hard to cope some days.
From what I've learned, a multi-tiered approach is helpful. I believe that finding the right doctor and the right hormone treatment is the first step, and then consider psych meds to help with the emotional issues. My dr. also started me on vitamin therapy, which has helped as well. I see a therapist every other week to help me cope and to learn new coping skills. Finally, I have a strong faith in God, which has helped me deal with this hormonal hell.
I know what you mean about how this has affected your social life and relationships-I get very self-conscious at times, because I know that my mind is not functioning the way it should be, and I find myself wondering if people are picking up on how "off" I feel.
So that makes me want to withdraw from people. And I have no desire to get into a relationship, because I don't think there's a man out there who would want to deal with this.
You're not alone-this forum has helped me realize that millions of women are suffering with the same issues we are. I will say a prayer for you and I wish you the best of luck. Take care.
evi75119 FemaleBrain
Hello FemaleBrain ( nice username),
?I appreciate a lot your answer...and I am sorry that you are in the same condition ( if you do not mind how old are you? ) I am asking because it is rare to going through perimenopause at my age! Have you ever had a blood test to check your hormones and verify perimenopause?
?Today, I am under a lot of stress because I am waiting for my menses and nothing yet! In addition I had spotting on 25 day of my cycle and today is the 28 day and nor blood netiher brown discharges! I do not want to start missing periods...
?You are completely right that this condition requires a multifaceted treatment because the root cause is an hormonal imbalance and not a mental or phychological which are only a category of the symptoms
Some antidepressants may help with the mood changes but I am scared to try anything..
The reason is that when I broke up with my fiancé in 2012 ( I had PMDD and we were constantly fighting for no reason and this situation was repeated every month) a physciatrist was prescribed me Remeron because I couldn't eat and sleep that summer...I was crying all the day and no appetite
?To be honest, this medicine help me to retrieve my appetite and stop crying spells..
?I continued to take Remeron not on regular basis but when I wanted to sleep ( I suffer from insomnia and it helps me to fall asleep)
?But I had some side effects while I was on it ...The first one is that I had become more aggressive...I wanted to bite everyone's head without reason. Apart from that I had gained weight because of constant cravings and junk food ( not healthy way) and another one was the restlessness..I was pacing all day..I couldn't sit on a chair sometimes..Nevertheless I was taking it occasionally until my surgery in 2016..
?The truth is that during this phase I need something to feel more confident...I am very depressed and tired because I am feeling constantly sick and unable to live and function as an ordinary human being of my age. Maybe I will ask for a phyciatrist help..I have heard that Buspar helps a lot with anxiety and panic attacks..
?But before this, I would like to find sth to treat my hormones!
?In my case I used to believe in God but somedays now I feel that He has abandoned me completely. I am really so tired because of this torture..But God remains still my "refugee"..I will pray for you also and for every woman who is suffering from this because it is very unfair for our genre.
?I have also mention that I have also a history of depression and anxiety but I was thought that my behavior is caused by stress in college and professional environment.
Thank you a lot again for your comforting words and I am wishing for God's mercy on us...I do not know but lately my thoughts have become very pessimistic...I took courage from other difficult conditions out there ( for example there are many little kids or even adolescents who are suffering from fatal diseases and they are brave and they keep fighting or their lives) But this condition is very hard especially when you are a young woman in your early thirties..Unfortunately life is very unexpected for some people
?Take care, too!
Guest evi75119
Hi evi, I'm sorry that you're going through all of this so young. I agree 100% about wanting to feel more confident. Keep posting here as you'll find lots of support!
Elondon123 evi75119
Hi I have had what sounds like the same as you. Ovarian cyst torsion surgery followed by gastritis and refluxing bile. Sore throat and difficulty breathing like you. PPIs made me much worse. Blood test show high FSH- 38 - same as menopausal woman and low oestrogen but I am also in my 30s. At the same time I have had panic attacks and feelings of complete doom appear out of the blue, horrendous nightmares and insomnia. I recognise what these are now and don't let my mind run with them. This helps but at first I thought I was dying of some hideous disease. I finally found a consultant that accepts I am in perimnepoause and prescribed hrt. I am only a month in so I can't say whether it is going to work yet. I believe that the perimenopause has triggered the anxiety attacks as this is usual in lots of women in perimenopause whatever their age however is probably more intense in the younger women because the hormones have further to fall than women who are 10 years older and have had the hormones declining for years. I think the stress hormones that are released then cause the gastritis and reflux. Apparently anxiety and panic go hand in hand with these conditions. My focus is now on keeping calm and hoping this gastric stuff is a temporary condition. I hope the same happens for you
evi75119 Elondon123
Are you still having regular periods?
Have you seen any improvement with HRT? I am thinking of this option...
I am experiencing severe low estrogen deficiency symptoms interfering with my life...I live a constant nightmare