Horrible Shortness of Breath

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Hey guys, does anyone else have severe shortness of breath with gastric symptoms? I have gerd but take Nexium even with no burning I still belch up food and feel like I'm so short of breath all the time. It's miserable. I burp constantly also.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    HI, check for relief of hiatal hernia on youtube. That helped me a lot with my shortness of breath. My stomach and belly was so tight that I totally was breathing wrong and contracting my abs all the time. I learned new breathing techniques and massages, also to press trigger points in my belly to relief tightness. It really helps - if you have hiatal hernia or not... you should check it out. 
  • Posted

    If nexium was that dangerous causing kindney and l8ver failure and deaths it would not have been approved. Its been available for years it would have been banned. Taking medication unsupervised is wrong.

    Idh the burning day 15 of nexium except Sunday am woke up 4am in agony why? Woke up 6.30 gone. I still feel off im tired lost my sparkledont feel 100%

    But this started like normal gastric reflux April 3rd and its been daily pain

    8m tired of fighting im prayimg nexium works

    If your really concerned see your gp x

  • Posted

    Yes I do all the time !!! I'm hoping my endoscopy next month will show something as heard lungs etc are fine but only taking the odd gaviscon as nothing works for long 😕

  • Posted

    Yes courtney when I get up in morning bend down shortness of breath makes me very tired dr has diagnosed gastritis when I try n do housework I have to take my time it's all through day although can actually sleep at night i feel as though lump in throat sometimes find it hard to swollen am on omperazole 20mg which not really making any difference. Last week I went to alternative therapist as I gave pressure round left rib so I'm having cupping and massage. Occasionally get pain around tummy button are going upwards like indigestion. I'm now eating very blandly trying to cut down on sugar drinking lots of water. Have wind no belching 

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