Horrid Period Pains
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Ugh feel so horrid today, period arrived with a bang at 3am this morning! thanks so no sleep from then as the cramps had started with a vengeance!
Thanks mother nature! Not like i have to work today!
Sitting here miserable, cold (even though it is warm in the office) feeling dizzy every now and then too.
Just wondering if my Iron levels are low to cause the dizziness too, might see what GP says about taking some iron tabs to see if that helps.
What meds do you use and do they work for you?
Ive had anadin Period pain tablets but they have now been discontinued by supermarkets! that helps!
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fiona40515 dawn57104
Same as you, but I am even poor.
My period is usually arriving at 9:00am but sadly, this time arrived in the middle of the day, blood suddenly bursted out in my underwear but luckily, not on my dress!
Unfortunately, I am a Primary teacher and it is Year 1 interview, Duh!
Use warm bags, it helps a lot!
dawn57104 fiona40515
Ouch that is not good, glad it didnt get on your dress though.
I have a warm buddie now he is a fox which i can microwave and use which helps.
fiona40515 dawn57104
You're welcome, but how are you at present?
I'm still so bad... ...
anyone have more suggestions?
i would thank u so much of yes
dawn57104 fiona40515
a hot bath and i found Evening Primrose Oil tablets do help.
take care