Horror story so far- please provide something positive to help me see the light..
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My sprits are very low and I’m somwewhat depressed after today, hoping that someone out there can relate and help me see the light at the end of the tunnel.
6 days ago I had a Hemorrhoidectomy for internal hems that would frequently protrude caused severe discomfort along with massive amounts of bleeding. Day of surgery was ok thanks to all the mess. Day 1 lots of pain that I assumed was normal and what everyone was referring to. Day 2 I had to visit the ER as there was what I came to find out 8 feet of gauze inside me that I could not pull out myself after 3 or 4 feet in the shower and bowl movement did not remove either. The pain from the doctor yanking that from my rear end was excruciating to say the least!! Went home in sever pain with what I assumed was “normal swelling” and pain, I was absolutely miserable the pain so bad that I was unable to sleep at all and walking or sitting was completely out of the question. Day 5 I called surgeon as I was still having scale 1-10 pain, 10! Brings me to today, Day 6, after seeing the surgeon he says, “wow this is worse than before the surgery”. Somehow the tissue he had left made its way out and formed hemorrhoids that were causing all of the “pain/ swelling”. Within three hours I was back on the table being put to sleep for surgery again. After waking from surgery I was in unbelievable pain to say the least. When the nurse and my wife started helping me get dressed after recovery, they were helping change dressings for the large amount of bleeding and then my worst nightmare and the reason I have hit rock bottom- the nurse and my wife notice that there is a small hemorrhoid protruding literally a couple hours of having everything cut out again. The pain is much less then it has been the past 5 days but the bleeding is much more! I just can’t believe after all of this, I’m still not completely fixed and could not be anymore defeated. I’m hoping all of this ends up working for the better but for now, I’m just beside myself. Has anyone had to go through this amount of complication? How are things now 1-2 months later? There’s a chance I might have to go under for a 3rd surgery and am just at wits end..
any encouragement/ positive stories greatly welcomed!!
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Happybum jason_01472
Since you are now in early recovery there is going to be A LOT of swelling and inflammation which may look and feel like more hemmoroids but are really just swelling and inflammation. I know as I felt that as well and wondered what the heck, but it has gone down a lot. I am in week 9-10.
Make sure you drink A LOT of water. I was and still am on metamucil for fibre. Ground flax seed also will help a great deal. See my posts on all that.
Take this one day, one hour, one moment at a time. There were times during this that I thought I had made a HUGE mistake in going ahead with the surgery. I did have a very good surgeon so I tried to take solace in that. It sounds like you just had some bloody (no pun intended) bad luck with the gauze and how it was removed.
The bleeding varies from person to person from what I have read here. I remember the second day I had one bowel movement that was all blood clots! NO body prepared me for THAT one. Just a wee bit of surprise.
So find my posts and follow some of the others to see how we progressed from week to week. I would say now at almost ten weeks things are about 75-80% back to normal. I have a little bit of bleeding from the fissures that the incisions became. All normal. The surgeon prescribed some cream to help it heal and it is helping but slowly. IN the healing process it can be one step forward and a few back but it does get better. For me, it has been somewhat slower than normal, but it IS healing and I am feeling more and more normal as the days go on.
Hang in there, be REALLY gentle with yourself, There are some great ideas here for how to make it as easy on yourself as possible and to heal as well as possible. It gets better, I promise you that, it really does.
jason_01472 Happybum
jason_01472 Happybum
Happybum jason_01472
Jason, I was in so much pain and so sensitive that I didn't look at or touch the area for weeks. I wasn't able to take any major pain killers other than tylenol. At this stage, for you, it's going to take awhile for things to calm down before you can see what is what and where you need to go from there. MAKE SURE YOU AVOID CONSTIPATION by doing everything that is required to do so. I have read that some people's internal prolapsing hems are so bad that they do have to do them in stages. I had three larger when this all started and was on metamucil and soft diet for about 1/2 year prior to surgery (in hopes to eliminate them) and they actually did shrink but I still needed the surgery. The surgeon told me that he only had to take two out, one large and one small and that what I had been doing with my diet and bowel toilet habits had helped significantly as he didn't have to take out as much as a result. He said I still had one small one in and that he left it so as to reduce the chances of developing a stricture.
jason_01472 Happybum
Happybum jason_01472
murray32326 jason_01472
Naj68027 murray32326
jason_01472 murray32326
9 days post of first surgery and 4 days post op second surgery.. I’m now so constipated that that pain is right up there with the surgery pain.. I’ve been taking 2-3 stool softeners a day and drink lots of water but still nothing seems to be able to manage out... this is BRUTAL!!
murray32326 jason_01472
Hey Jason... at 9 and 4 days you are definitely in the hurt locker!! For me, to get to a point where I wasn't thinking about the surgery constantly took about 6-7 weeks. Find ways to distract yourself. Lots of Netflix!!! Hang in there!!! You will make it!!
jason_01472 murray32326
I had a terrible case and the reason I elected for surgery but geeze.. not worth it!
murray32326 jason_01472
Yes, it was pain. I am up and around a lot at work so walking was difficult. It took probably seven weeks before I could walk normally. BM’s are still uncomfortable but not painful. Before surgery I was having a lot of bleeding that was becoming umanagable so even though recovery is brutal, I am glad I did it.
jason_01472 murray32326
Happybum jason_01472
For me, I was still having pain with BMs, couldn't stand too long because the pressure would build and be uncomfortable and painful, I developed fissures so those were still an issue. At 2 1/2 months I STILL have some pain and slight bleeding with BMS and tenesmus and then rectal spasming which I have more when I sit for longer than a few minutes at a time. I still have some swelling there.
Thanks for sharing.