Hot chocolate and ibs

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Hello I am wondering whether hot chocolate is a drink that's ok to drink with ibs... can it irritate and upset the stomach? What is your experiences?

I am looking to have yeo valley full fat organic milk and Cadbury bournville cocoa powder as it is less sugars then other powders... do you think this would be ok to drink?

I am trying to gain weight and thought this could be a good drink... what do you guys think??

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I drink hot chocolate but I have it with soya milk because lactose causes my ibs to play up. So it will depend on how you do with cows milk. 
    • Posted

      Thabks for your reply... i drink about 300g of yogurt a day with cows milk in them... do you think that means I would be ok with cows milk?

      So I shouldn't worry about the cocoa powder irritating Me?

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    I find a lot of milk upsets my stomach but a small mug is fine. But sugar also upsets mine. However it's all subjective, so try it and see what happens! fingers crossed ??

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    To much chocolate can actually give you the runs although a nice hot milky chocolate can help with sleep. Cocoa powder is concentrated chocolate powder so it takes less to make the same. Some drinking chocolates contain dried milk.and sweetners

    If you suffer from IBS it may be you could use Soya Milk or some milk other types of milk products, therefore the cocoa powder is the best bet


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      The cocoa powder i was looking to use has no added sugars or sweeteners so do you think it will be Ok?

      I've tried soya milk before and made me feel very unwell and I can't have but milks like almond or coconut.. I drink yogurts will cows milk so assume I'm ok with it

      Thank you for the reply

  • Posted

    Go lactose free.  Dairy can be the kiss of death for IBS, especially if you have a lactose intolerance.  That was the first test my doctor gave me when he thought i had IBS, I was in my twenties.  I am intolerant and milk, especially cream and cream sauces I will not touch.  Although, a little Red Whip never bothered me.  Hot chocolate never bothered me either but I rarely have it.  When I do, I use Lactaid milk. 
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      Thank you for the reply... I can't have soy milk as already found this upsets me... I Also have an intolerance to things that are made using whey protein ... is there more whey protein in lactaid milk?

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      LACTAID® products contain lactase, a natural enzyme that helps break down lactose – the sugar found in dairy foods like milk, ice cream or cheese—into two simple sugars (galactose and glucose) that are easily digested. 

  • Posted

    Hi mememick, without my hot chocolate I would have nothing to drink but definitely not sugared! It's sweet enough and tastes great without anything else. Too late at night and it burns back something rotten! Try it what's the worst that can happen unless you try you'll never know!

  • Posted

    Chocolate has been a real trigger for me. I love it too. 

    I can’t have any form of chocolate anymore. I know it’s the chocolate because I’ve tried all types of milk in it. I get upset stomach and diarreah when I drink it. It’s either the sugar or the caffeine. Hot choc has caffeine too. 

    • Posted

      Oops sorry not that then, whatever floats your boat and makes you feel happy!  I can't have coffee, sick, sick, then green if I do!

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