Hot flash and Diarhea
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I'm 49 and I have every symptom of peri and I have horrible healthy anxiety. I haven't gotten a period this month, and my symptoms are at an all new level.. I'm so bloated, crampy, twinges of pain. My bowels have been off the last couple of weeks. So I'm at work and had the worst hot flash ever followed by horrible diarrhea. I felt fine before I went to work. As I'm typing I feel a little bit better, but wanted to know if anyone else has had this. Thank you ladies, for all of your support this year.
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jen78653 Pamwhid
I am 48 and I get two day periods every 24 days. For the last four years, I have been battling severe symptoms of perimenopause. One of my issues that caused me to visit a gastro doctor was loose stools. After a battery of tests, the gastro said it was linked to hormones and the gift of IBS (which is due to my anxiety increasing as well). I take a probiotic (recommended number 1 by gastros so you can google it). It is an orange box. I also take magnesium glycinate for my palpaitations and that can cause loose stools as well.
Best of luck and I hope you feel better!
Pamwhid jen78653
Thank you for your response, I keep running to my doctor, after a battery of tests everything comes back normal ( Thank God), and he looks at me like i'm nuts. I went 3 months w/o a period, then had period from hell, then the next month I was spotting, and then this november had a period for 2 days. Now I just went to the bathroom, and I notice a little blood. This sucks and my healthy anxiety makes it 10 times worse... I woke up this morning, and had my usually anxiety, but it subsided,got in the car to drive to work and had the worst hotflash ever, I was just dripping in sweat, then my stomach went off, and I had total diarrhea. Started to feel a little better, then another hot flash. I"m so bloated and just off..
tamshac77 jen78653
Hi! Is your probiotic Go Live?
jen78653 tamshac77
I use Align 😃
tamshac77 jen78653
Thank you!
jen78653 Pamwhid
I am so sorry! I keep telling my 16 year old daughter that i never expected perimenopause to be so brutal and to remember how bad i am as she herself ages. My husband is very understanding. I would try magnesium glycinate to help with anxiety the probiotics to help with your intestinal distress. I hope your evening is better
Pamwhid jen78653
im still hanging in, but everyday a new symptom. This just sucks
i would not wish this on my worst enemy. i never know when waking up how am i going to feel. the anxiety is brutual and i have been on zoloft for awhile. My doctor who is a personal friend, is a tremendous help because he knows how bad my health anxiety is. i wanted a ultrasound of my right upper ab because of the pain and pressure. came back fine but i have a small amount of gallbladder sludge. now im freaking out about that. my stomach is always in knots. what gets me is at night when i lay in bed with my ipad, my anxiety starts to go down. But when i wake up before my alarm, the anxiety kicks up because i dont know what kind of day i will have. yesterday i was crampy, still no period this month was supposed to get on the 9th, sorry to be graphic, yesterday when i had to pee, i saw this like these little flecks of blood, dont know what that is, so bloated. i pray alot and battle on. my husband is a rock and so understanding, he is a saint