Hot flash coincides with breast/chest swelling

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Hi Ladies, well the last 5 days, the chest tightening and swelling has started AGAIN, its also breast pain and breast tingling with it, I notice it often follows a hot flash, today I was freaking out so bad because I could feel the swelling and tightness all through my chest. I am now freaking out that I might have R.A or a lump in my chest, I felt my chest and it just felt swollen. My arms also hurt really bad both of them and are very itchy. Worried again, why cant I just feel good,?

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    I know breast pain is horrible. Since peri I am always checking them out they seem to have got better the past few years though. But they always feel so heavy (I'm not that big 34 b).

    There have been times when at gatherings people have given me a hug and made my eyes water.

    Also I get occasionally painful erect nipples.

    I have only just started with this arm pain, occasionally from about September last year until late November when it went to occasionally they were OK but painful most days.

    Now it's all the time. I'm on HRT but it has made no difference to my arms.

    Mine is at the top lower bicep but more on the side.

    They hurt when I put my bra coat or cardigan on. Also bad when reaching behind me for the seat belt in the car. The left one is more painful and that is the arm it started with.

    I've tried stretching and gently exercising them but they still hurt.

    I also get itchy and mine can be anywhere. I scratched my shin so much the other night that I have a big grazed patch. I try not to scratch but often end up with an area of skin missing.

    These patches and any other minor damage I do to myself seem to take a couple of weeks to go whereas I used to heal within a few days.

    I don't know if there are any answers to these problems.

    I've been given all sorts in the past for the itching. I think it's worse if you are too hot or have just had a hot flush. I have found putting something soothing on can sometimes have the opposite effect and make you itch more.

    For my breasts I check for lumps often worry that I may have one as I often get pains on the outside of them. But less worried since reading somewhere the other day that they can feel this way with meno.

    I was found to mention my arms to my Dr when I next see her but it does seem it's a meno related thing and therefore not much can be fine for it.

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      Its horrible today was worse, BUT, I think I might know part of what I did wrong today, I had a chocolate bar, and potatoes, thats a lot of carbs, today was worse than normal and I did not have my tumeric. So, that plays a role, I had a shoulder nodule and its hard and never really caused a problem and I had one like it, it was biopsed. OK, basically it was just there, THEN when I was tested to see if I was in peri a few months later thats when I noticed everytime I got a hot flash then it would swell and hurt, then the swelling, breast pain, all got bad, and even right above my breast sort of my chest area which is breast too I guess swells and feels lumpy. But, when the swelling goes away it feels normal. This comes and goes, today at work it was all afternoon, I feel swelling like a chest tightness then a hot flash, a hot flash and then pain and tingling. I really do NOT want to start pharamceuticals or doctor drugs, so I am going to get off the sugar, carbs, flour, anything white, I also read on a natural website where a woman had cysts, nodules and went with a vegan diet, and apple cider vinegar, tumeric 4 times a day and it took awhile but she has had substantial releft.  Menopause and breast pain is very common, it feels the same way it did when I was preganant,. 
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      Ive also been wracked with severe itching on my left shin. It started two weeks back. You are right the scratches take longer to heal these days. Today the right shin has started. I used to think its the mosquitoes which have been having a grand time lately. But no its something within this changing system.
  • Edited

    I didn't see anywhere that you contacted your doctor. That's the first thing you should do for a problem. I usually wait 3-5 days, if the problem doesn't go away, I contact doc. Of course, if it feels like an emergency, I go to ER.
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      I have an appoiontment this week. Its been going on for almost 2 years, and I have addressed some of this with them, but yes going again and I am seeing a new doctor.
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      Sha, while you are absolutely correct regarding the dr. I have massive anxiety surrounded by going to the doctor. I am trying to work on that, I dont know how however. But, I have a lot of panic attacks at the doctors office.,
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      Hmmm, any idea why you have panic attacks at the doctors office? Is it all doctors or just one? Do you let the staff know what is going on? I know how rushed health care workers are. Some doctors can just be downright evil! As a former nurse I know. If this is a problem with all doctors, I would think for your own well  being you need to work on that somehow. What if you were having a life or death emergency? I have had panic attacks also, and they are no fun. I do take medicine for them now, not by choice, by neccesity.
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      Sha, here is the main reason I have panic attacks: I am in dire fear of hearing horrible news, like a deadly disease that they cannot do anything about, I live in fear of that, I did not always, I was pretty good about dr visits. I rationalized that I did not have family history of cancer or really bad stuff, I have diabetes and hypertension but I dont fear that because for the most part I control it and except for when I hurt my knee from a fall I exercise regularly. But, the peri menopause has sent me in a tail spin along with the other symptoms I get scared.
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      Sha, very, very good points about life or death emergencies and despite my panic I have went to the E.R this past summer when I had a leg issue. Thankfully, it was a varicose vein issue not a blood clot and I did go. If I felt it was critical I would go, I realize that despite my fears if something bad is happening  I will go. I think the other issues are this. A. I google my symptoms and I see the most horrendous options and then I get scared,  I hear about people who were sick and having problems and they tell them there is nothing that can be done. I know from an intellectual point of view that is dumb and makes no sense, I realize that not going is not going to make the problems dissapear.  I am looking at getting therapy.
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    Not sure if we have the same thing but I notice when I get that same feeling in my left boob right after that here comes a hit flash I to suffer with both shoulders I truly thought I was alone with this one but I'm not I think it's the menopause and it's always my left boob that gives me this lol so I'm truly believing it's the menopause because I have seen a few women talking about the same good luck hun
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      Monique, wow, you are the only person I have heard say they get the breast pain and swelling accompanied by the hot flashes. I can tell you that I am pretty positive its partially dietary related, and here is why, teh latst 2 days I hardly had any sugar, carbs ect and the pain and swelling were not to bad, but today I had cereal (major carb) milk, equal which is not healthy, and guess what, today was terrible, lots of pain, lots of swelling, so I realize that there is a connection with this, my guess is that I have some sort of Rhumatodial problem. I am getting labs next week so I will know more soon.
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      Monique, about 4 months ago I showed the dr, the swelling in my arm, ironically its just like the swelling I get in my legs and chest, He saw it adn said he thought it was a lipedema which the hot flashes can make feel warm and swell. I once again probably wrong but googled it and it always seems to say arthritis triggered by menopause. 

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