Hot flash, night sweat and chills questions
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Hi Ladies:
I have a few questions about hot flashes and night sweats. I'm 54 and been post meno since 2012. My hot flashes have been much worse over the past year. I also have generalized anxiety and health anxiety, am hypothyroid and over the past year have been diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo (MAV) its a dizziness that comes with headaches and without, but the dizzy part is mostly constant. I think having MAV in the past year has made my life much worse, because i never believed them when they told me that was what it was, I alway thougtht its my heart or something they were missing and when the dizzieness is bad my anxiety is off the charts. When i went thru peri meno my anxiety and panic was all day everyday.
To the the hot flash stuff, I have them every day and at night I can't sleep well because one minute i'm so hot and throwing off the sheets then the next i'm shivering and freezing, lately I've been waking up with my clothes soaked and my hair wet. Sometimes before a hot flash I will have chills, do any of you have this? I feel hot all the time, is this normal with menopause? I know the weather here in Florida is not helping its so hot and humid. Its funny at night when I put on my pj's which are shorts and a tank top set, I am could and put a rob over me will watching t.v, but as soon as I get in bed, the heat starts. During the day I have flashes and I get soaked, I can wiped of my forhead and my hand is soaked, between my breasts and my back. Does all this sound normal?
I don't take HRT,have tried and I can't. I take xanax when I need it for my dizziness and anxiety and of course my thyroid meds.
Sometime i"m just miserable and depressed, since all this started when I was 46 and went thru peri i felt bad, but now I thought 4 yrs of no period and all this would be about gone. But the gyno says it can gon on for up to 20 years.. I just want to feel well. I know my anxiety plays a big part because I worry about health and every symptom I have is a death sentence sometimes. Like today I felt like a pressure inmy cchest before the hot flash and I freaked.
Also do you find your hot flashes seem to last for a while?
Any help would be so much appreciated.
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Sochima822 patty818
My hotflashes had subsided for a while and now they're back again because I had chocolate which has caffeine which is a hormone disruptor. Avoid anything with caffeine, soy and sugar and you should be fine.
Sochima822 patty818
Cass63 patty818
20 years that sounds like my mom. She started this journey in her late 40's and still has symptoms at almost 71. I'm following right in her footsteps.
Zigangie patty818
Hi patty,
You said you've tried HRT, you didn't say what type.
I'm using oestrogel and Utrogestan and it made it all go away.
These are plant based bio identical and the estrogen part is transdermal so avoiding the liver.
maria101 patty818
I know what your going through been there, it will stop ok.
alison28608 patty818
I yoo have the cold sweats. It is the same feeling as comming round from a general anesthetic. Then so hot and pouring with sweat. HRT worked well for me and I have been on and off it for 9 years. Trying to do without it but weighing up quality of life with no sleep. However, on a positive note, only had nine severe flushes ladt night. Sometimes I have 50. I have a fan by my bed but have to get up to cool off after every sweat, the get freezing and shivery. Nothing " natural" has helped me. But like you, I am extremely stressed. 4 years since my last period so certainly menopausal.