Hot Flashes?

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I've been experiencing some new symptoms lately -- approximately within the past couple of months. I am woken around 4 to 5 am with a rush of blood to my head. It feels like my adrenaline is spiking and I end up with headaches. At times I do break into a sweat.

I'm figuring this is the cause of my "new high blood pressure" - I never had high blood pressure problems in the past.

I don't know if these are hot flashes or what. I'm going to the doctor on Thur. to get my electrolytes checked.

I'm 52 and perimenopausal.

Does anyone experience hot flashes like this?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I wake up every morning at 3am, 4am, and/or 5am with an adrenal surge. I get jolted awake and have heart palpitations. I am not sweaty but do feel warmer and usually toss the covers to the side. It has been every single morning for the past two months since all this craziness started. Please let us know what the doctor says. When I mentioned this to my doctor and obgyn they dismissed it as anxiety and the obgyn told me to see an endocrinologist.

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      I have these episodes too...My doctor prescribed me magnesium for this type of anxiety. I am going to start it and other vitamins today. I hope it helps.

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      the other vitamins I was prescribed are stress adapt and during my internet research I found that they contain rhodiola rosea and some other plant derived stress adaptogens...we will see...

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      Evi, I tried magnesium and it made me so tired. I also think it had a rebound effect and made my palpitations worse when it wore off. Although, I have read lots of posts from ladies who say it works.

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      I am going to share my experience, soon! I hope it works somehow but I am not optimistic in general. I think the only solution to my problems is estradiol ...

      About mornings I am usually angry with awful and depressed mood...the doctor told me to try these stress adapt vitamins and we will see! I have read many posts on these forum that these adreanaline rushes is due to abnormal cortisol levels and these vitamins are supposed to balance the cortisol levels.

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      I really hope it works for you. It certainly made me more mellow. I think estrogen would solve some of my problems too, but because I had a migraine with aura, doctors won't prescribe it.

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      I'll keep you posted on what, if anything shows in my blood work. Addressing Evi's suggestion below regarding magnesium, I've been taking 500 mg of magnesium daily for the past 10 years to prevent migraines.

      I don't know that this is anxiety. I started having hot flashes about 7 years ago but experienced them in a different way. I would wake around 1 am with a racing heart - 110 - 115 bpm that wouldn't slow down. I'd feel really warm also. At that time, my doctor (not my current doctor) said it was anxiety. I said "NO" I've had anxiety on and off through my life -- this is different. It was hot flashes.

      What I'm experiencing now isn't too far off from that. Having adrenaline rushes, headaches, heat and blood pressure spikes.

      I'll keep you posted. It may take a few days to get the results. going in tomorrow for the blood draw.

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      hi evi!!! what are the names of your vitamins?? i need them!! 😃

    • Posted

      Well, I got my blood work results back and it was normal. No imbalances. My blood pressure is still high but I'm going to try to remedy on my own and get back to regular cardio workouts. I have to start gradually being I'm out of shape compared to what I used to be. If that doesn't make any difference, then in 2 months I told her I'd come back for blood pressure medication.

      I've not had as many morning headaches/adrenaline rushes as I was having. My period is late though....hopefully never to return (keeping my fingers crossed 😃 ) -

      I have been trying to be more mindful of my breathing and anything that is provoking anxiety during the day. So I really have no answer about the morning headaches and rushes that I was having...... maybe anxiety?? I don't know??

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