Hot Flashes???
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Hello ladies. Ive been in peri for about 2 years now. I have many crazy symptoms. I'm 42 and my last period was March 6. For a bit I thought maybe i was pregnant but many test have said other wise. I have completly missed my Aprils period and from what Ive been told its common to miss a period. I should be due for a period in what i believe would be the first week in May. The last 2 days I've been hungrier than usual with some sweet and salty cravings which is my norm. I havent yest experienced hot flashes and i believe I had one today. Felt like a wave that came over me i felt dizzy and a little nauseated extremly hot and my heart rate sky rocketed. Thank god my husband was home. I splashed my face with cold water and put a cold rag on my neck. It lasted a few min. I also felt very shakey . Does this sound like a typical hot flash? Ive never had it so im unsure. And if so what do you ladies do to help it in the moment. Ughh so scary and has sent my anxiety into over drive..
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christina81747 renee61138
yes im there with u been having same thing not sure if hot flash or anxiety it drives me crazy and sends my anxiety into high gear. sometimes i feel shaky all day i was fine two days ago but today not so good period due soon which is irregular as well been in peri since 44 but blood work definitely confirmed it now at 49 . today is just want to cry dont know why lol. i heard black colosh is good for hot flashes. sometimes i wake up at night hot sweating and heart racing.
renee61138 christina81747
Thanks for replying love. I know exactly how you feel ive missed a period for april just never came my periods used to be pretty regular not any more lol
heather29740 renee61138
I am post menopausal so I have had a hot flush but I've also had similar reactions when I've had anxiety.
I think that the feeling of the hot flush can make anxious people like me and you get the other feelings that you had.
I don't know about anybody else but I feel a burning sensation from my neck upwards and then just really hot and you end up fanning yourself to cool down but here's the kick in the ass sometimes you feel really cold when everyone is hot.
Good luck with them you may be lucky like me and have them few and far between ( get ready to say to your other half is it hot in here or is it cold) lol . ..........Oh the joys of womanhood.
renee61138 heather29740
Hi Heather. Thanks for the reply. Was weird because ive had the cold feeling often freezing cold cant get warm. Today when it happend i was just relaxing on the sofa catching up on one of my shows and all of a sudden it was like i said before i felt very hot and sweaty but started in upper body i stood up then bam shakey legs and my heart rate was fast it lasted only a short period of time my husband was fanning me with a paper plate haha. I wasnt anxious until after lol
Beverlys1 renee61138
Hi Renee,, UNFORTUNATLY,,, I am a hot flash girl, Im 53 have been in peri since 47,, when my peri first started i literaly had hot flashes all day long some times one right after each other, after about a year and a half they went to one or twice per day... it was horrible, my whole chest would turn red, and being a interior designer working with people all day they could always tell and when i got stress it would go further up on to my neck... i was so hot i really couldn't think about my other symptoms until the flashes spreaded out further, currently now i feel i will throw up,, shaky,headace, sometimes and every thing else you said... And as Heather said now i get freezing cold,, That to me is even more scary because you feel as though you are coming down with something and the mind races and then more anxiety... keep your head up I HOPE YOU NEVER HAVE IT LIKE THIS....xxxx
staci88515 renee61138
I like that you put ??? after hot flash because that is exactly how I feel. I think I am having hot flashes, but it's not heat and sweating. I start to feel nervous. Then! my palms sweat? Next! I have this burning sensation in my chest/back/arms. My heart starts beating fast and pounding. It becomes hard to breathe, focus, talk, etc.. I feel weak and my legs feel heavy. I panic and feel faint. Is that a hot flash???? I don't know. But, I know it is scary and I could just cry.