Hot flashes???
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please ladies, explain to me what hot flashes are and what they feel like. im 48 in october, and i think i e started having them randomly. it feels like , when u get a CT scan done and the dye they put into your veins... that rush wave flush feeling... what do you think the flashes feels like???
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debra16694 jennifer97171
hi jennifer - when i was in peri, i mostly suffered from random sweating & heat attacks & insomnia - i am now 7 years post menopause & for the last 3 plus years, i experience what i would describe as burning body parts or intense sunburn - it mainly affects my back, upper chest, forearms & shoulders. it almost feels like a volcano erupting & i can often feel sick to my stomach or woozy after it stops. i generally can experience it anywhere from 2:00 am to 6:00 am, but now am getting them more often - i just started experiencing this "skipped beat" palpitation. i have oftened wondered is this my kind of hot flash because when i ask friends if they have experienced this they look at me like i am crazy. i have these hot flashes dauly with horrible leg pain which came on 14 months ago - lets just say i feel i have paid my dues with all this menopause crap -
mary27278 debra16694
Hey Debra... I know exactly what you re talking about when you mention the stomach.. I can tell when its coming because it start from the gut. Its such a horrible feeling and it comes on upward, and the heart palpitations with it. A lot of people tells me the same thing that their hot flashes aren t like that either.
serena11274 jennifer97171
i started to get them as soon as i would wake in morning i would get really sweaty all of a sudden then it would pass, sometimes during day i get like a warm feeling come over me however other night i felt like my heart skipped a beat, couldnt breathe for a second then had a hot rush from head to feet, my peri has not been confirmed as bloods showing as normal, but this is not normal
jo0808 jennifer97171
Hi Jen hot flashes for me feel totally random patches of heat. this started around 4 months ago. it started with a random patch just on my lefthand side bottom of my back, it used to just be like for a few seconds then gone. now i get them in different parts of my body. back, thigh , bum cheek, arms, chest. like you i didnt know what the hell was going on until my friend told me about the premenopause . i have felt utterly shocking ever since. feel random pain almost everywhere. im on propanonol for heart palps . antibiotics for ear nose infection. everything inside my body feels under attack. i wake up on a morning and think when will i have a good day? hope this helps x
Kadija1966 jennifer97171
I get hot flashes now and again. Its like the upper part of my body and face feels a heat rush and I sweat alot, then I get a cooling effect and it is gone. I experience it randomly. I get beads of sweat on my upper body. Luckily I don't get it at night.
katyD211 jennifer97171
You've described them perfectly! I never thought of it that way before but yup! That's what mine feel like!