Hot flashes and chest discomfort

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Has anyone experienced hot flashes the chest and breast pain this is ridiculous ! I feel like acid reflux but worse !

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Misty,

    Yes. I had night sweats last night and the chest pain comes and goes. Been to the ER and told nothing wrong. I'm assuming it's those fluctuating hormones giving us wacky symptoms that scare the heck out of you.

  • Posted

    yes..............all thats typical symptoms of peri and much, much more, it will all settle once your hormones settle back, but they will flare again, along with other symptoms another day, and then others the day after, its a rollercoaster ride, and you have to treat each set of symptoms differently, but you shouldnt always have your symptoms, but, if your unlucky you may, and this is the time when you may need to consider HRT, but thats up to you, you may be lucky and not need to make that decision.
    • Posted

      My GYN put me on patch because I can't be on hormones due to death of daughter from factor 5 so patch they figured was the safest for me my ribs always hurt chest bone and breast it makes me feel panic all the time then it dies down and just aches then back to craziness again I need relief
  • Posted

    Yes, have had burning chest pain on both sides all day! Went to ER, had tests ran, showed all was fine. Came home, and now having same pains! This is too much!! Will I ever feel normal again?
    • Posted

      I went to my primary yesterday I had enough of the pain I was told the pain in the chest and breast could be from the increase my GYN did on the patch if that's the case all this crap could have been avoided back in December I stopped the patch this morning to see if the symptoms subside and I will call my GYN on Monday first thing
  • Posted

    Hi Misty,

    Did your chest pain stop after removing the patch? I too am experiencing terrible chest pain and tightness. I have had it checked out with urgent care, ER, and cardiologist, all tests come back normal. I am now on second type of patch, climara pro, which helped with migraines, but causes chest pain and rapid weight gain. The first patch I tried was the combipatch, which worked great after cutting patch to get right dosage for me. But couldn't keep the head pressure and migraines away after about 5 months. I removed the climara patch this afternoon in hopes of chest pain/tightness will subside. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Posted

    I have had chest pain with extreme pressure ever since I had to go off hrt after having breast cancer. It only hits me the strongest at night when I am dreaming. If I get up and walk around I don’t feel it as bad but this can happen up to 6 times a night depending how long I sleep in the morning. Usually by 4:30 am I am done with all the wake ups. My GYN said the only thing to fix it is to take hormones which I can’t because my breast cancer was hormone receptive. I’m wondering what REM sleep has to do with it. Have you found any relief? I have tried anxiety meds, but terrible side effects for me. I feel like I am having a heart attack when it hits me. I went to ER and my heart was fine but my bp was high from my anxiety an fear.

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