Hot Flashes and Dizziness....?

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I've been experiencing more night sweats lately (in the past two months or so), and have (finally) begun having what I think are hot flashes during the day (although they're more like "warm" flashes...I don't get terribly hot)....has anyone else ever felt dizzy during a hot flash? I was standing up in my office a few minutes ago and think I had a hot flash and then I felt really woozy....another weird (?) symptom I seem to be having is that I become very cold after a "flash" I the only one feeling this way? sad I'll confess that, although I've felt dizzy/lightheaded/off-balance on and off for almost two years, this morning was a bit more extreme and it terrified me...I don't want to go back down the road of full-blown health anxiety (I've wasted too much of my time with Dr. Google over the last two years), but it's tough to not be afraid when these symptoms appear....any thoughts/comments would be much appreciated! (I should mention that I'm 46 years old and haven't had a period since last FSH level was 124 in November, and my estradiol was at 24...other than vitamins, I'm not currently taking any medications)

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi dear. Give Menopace a Google.  Some ladies on this site are happy with the results.  Take care xxoo
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      You are not alone dear.  We are all suffering on here with menopause symptoms of some kind.  I now take B75 Complex vitamin and has really helped me with fatigue and moods.  It calms the system down.  I don't have night sweats or hot flashes unless they are on the horizon or else I would try the Menopace.  I take Caltrate with vitamin D in it, in the evening when I remember...brain fog! hehe. xxoo
  • Posted

    Hi Kitty, strangely enough I have had something a s bit like that a few mins ago! I was doing dinner when I suddenly when really dizzy and had to hang onto the worktop, and I also came over really hot and had to strip off. I too have noticed a few more hot flushes of late. My last period was last June, only a bit of occasional spotting since. I'm guessing it's probaly the hormones. I don't get this every day, some are worse than others. That was the first time I'd felt like that for a while. I'd also had some Physio this afternoon on my neck and upper back so wondering if that had any bearing on it. Try not to worry( easier said than done I know) xx
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    The symptoms are as mysterious for each of us as an individual as is the menopause itself and how we cope with them is a challenge until that unknown day arrives when we are free.. if that ever should happen
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    Yes I get the dizziness and coldness after a flush. I'm so flushy/sweaty during the night I'm changing like 3 times. I was just discussing the dizzyness with a postmeopausal friend who said she was the same and she started menopause at 36 and doctors just did not accept she was menopausal. It was a different time, she is now 70 and had a nervous breakdown at the time cause she thought she was going mad. terrible really what women go through, she is a very wise woman now though.
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    I was getting hot flashes and at the time I was getting dizzy i have not had any hot flashes or dizzy spells for a while Have not taken any thing for it 

    this morning I felt weird my heart rate was up some was a little anxious doing fine now

  • Posted

    Yes, I get that cold feeling too.  This is how it goes.  I start to feel a bit strange, kind of skin tingly and like a mild electric rush inside, then HOT like an internal radiator, flushed face, sweat.  I take things off to try and get cool, a minute or so later I am cold, chills, and the clothes go back on to try and warm up.  It's so strange and I hate my body having a mind of its own 😥
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    I was exactly the same at 47 i am now 53 and hopefully gone throught it. Also i no it sounds strange, but if i need a wee, i would get a hot flush then need the loo.My Dr told me to sit down get a drink and make sure id eaten as somtimes your sugar levels are low.
  • Posted

    Hi wearykitty

    Same here. I'm 44 yrs young, erratic period cycles, occasional night sweats and last two months awful anxiety and panic attacks week after period. Starts like a warm and then hot sensation wave over my chest and head, dizzy, rapid heart beat, sometimes nausea and feeling faint. No sweating just really hot.

    I have suffered for last 14 years, since birth of last child from mild anxiety which is exactly health anxiety and every symptom I get or my two bubs get or my hubby, I imagine the worst possible thing. I have been on low dose antidepressant on and off and currently on low dose Effexor xr which has been brilliant all of last year, but last two months not so much.

    I saw the doctor on tues. A lovely lady dr. She said I should have hormone blood tests (in 2 weeks around period first day) and then we can assess treatment options. HRT for women under 50 is perfectly safe she said. Also believes my increased anxiety (and in fact previous anxiety) may well be hormone related as it is cycle specific. Low oestrogen I think she said.

    So you are not alone. Horrid feeling. And if you have a vulnerability, like I do to have health anxiety, this just sends you over the edge in that moment. It is very scary I know. I try reassurance as I can't in that moment of distress talk myself out of it... I self talk and sat its ok, it will pass in few seconds, sit down, have a drink, take some deep breaths. If very anxious, I go and do something physical to distract myself, like taking washing off the line or whatever.

    Let me know how you go.


  • Posted

    hi wearykitty yet it same for me.   luckily i dont get them very often but i get tingling feeling then what feels like an adrenalin rush then all hot take clothes off and then really cold.  i am not taking medication for it just vitamins at min. hope this helps x

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