Hot Flashes From Hell
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I have started sweating so profusely that I am afraid to leave home, and if I do go out I’m so embarrassed . I am 62 and I started menopause when I was 50 . it has really sucked the joy out of my life. ****
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lori93950 lee99560
the hornone patch stops them
Unfortunately, hormone replacement therapy, and even bio pellets, are not safe. I have been in the medical field for years. Just one study of 1 million women by WEB MD, Shows very strong evidence that your risk for getting breast cancer, ovarian cancer and many others, rises. I have seen this happen and it is awful. I will not take that risk. But its a choice I made for my family. Everyone must decide for themselves.
debra16694 lee99560
hi lee - i am 62 in February & i sweat profusely in the heat & warm rooms, my issue now has also been intense flushing, like my vasomotor system is on overdrive. i did develop rosacea with menopause so maybe that contributes to my flushing, i just dont know anymore. i am overweight and my Gp said the reason why i sweat like a pig and flush like a shy person is because i am estrogen dominant. oh joy! i just try to drink water constantly and have frozen washcloths at the ready - if you figure out how to stop this nonsense, please do tell - its so lovely, isnt it?
lee99560 debra16694
DEBRA I feel your pain. I am on a quest to conquer this before I jump of a cliff!!! I am going to my GP in the morning to see if my thyroid is the problem. Sometimes women over 60 find that it could be the problem. The 6th I am going to a psychiatrist! I am struggling! I will share my findings. TRY to stay cool!
katyD211 lee99560
First of do not look your age. You're if I look like you do 12 years into meno I will be happy....HOT but happy.
What have you tried for flashes? I dress in layers, drink ice water, fan a lot. Considering black cohosh.
aly48544 lee99560
first of all looking great lady 😃
And so sorry to hear your having a bad time 😦
im 56 ...and i suppose iv bern quite lucky the most deliberating symptoms fore were the bladder probs constant UTIs and the need to urinate all the time nearly drove me around the bend!
plust i have had joint problems and needed a new hip last year...i went on HRT 9mths ago and for me personally its been amazing!
i feel 10yrs younger....iv heard it solves the hot flashes to?
hope you get some relief soon wishes Aly 😃))File size is too big
vicky77852 lee99560
Lee the Million study is considered old aged and not scientific approved. Modern hrt is considered safer and you can use it for life. It replace the estrogen our body needs. i dont think that meno is something natural at all and we don't need to suffer! I am 42 and on hrt.