Hot flashes have turned into burning legs and feet

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Hi all,

I haven't had a period since Sept. (am 52). For most of fall and winter I was having regular hot flashes in the evening and during the night. Now they seem to have been replaced by a new development. Most intensely in the evening, mostly the hour right before bed (when I used to get the hot flashes), but also in the early AM, I get this burning in my lower legs and feet. During this time I cannot wear socks, and even pants that don't have wide legs, pants that are close to the skin, really feel uncomfortable on my legs. Does anyone else have this??

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi i think you should go to your doctor and let them check it out . For age 52 it sound like your going through a bad menopause. Or can use some women private care to help ease the hot flushes.

    Hope you will get better.

  • Posted

    Hi Jen,

    I've been saying this for two years. I really think my burning feet/legs are my version of a hot flash. In fact last night I was awoken in the middle of the night to a massive adrenaline rush starting from my feet and ending up in my head, then I could feel my feet burning. I threw off the covers for awhile until it ended. These symptoms used to completely freak me out because I thought I was dying, now I just ride with it and wait for it to subside. This morning I woke up and felt burning in my upper back too.

    Two years ago when the burning feet started I thought I had a sunburn on my one foot, but there was nothing there. It doesn't hurt to wear clothing against my skin though. Whenever my symptoms flare up (and there are many) they will always coincide with my feet burning. There just HAS to be a connection. I recently talked to my endocrinologist about it, he's going to test me for diabetes, (again!), he says the burning feet have nothing to do with hormones. But I think he's totally wrong. Unless of course my test comes back showing diabetes. I really don't think that's going to happen.

    This morning I googled the adrenaline rush thing and read many posts from women in the past that had the same type of thing. Some attributed it to high blood pressure but my bp has always been very low. But all of the women were in peri or full meno and having these rushes and most of them connected them with their hot flashes as well.

    Hope this helps to know that others are having this same burning feet thing. Some women also have burning in other places, like my sister who had horrible burning gums. I guess it's all our central nervous systems being affected by whatever hormone; adrenal/cortisone/estrogen/progesterone/etc.. is throwing our bodies off kilter. I'm just hoping that eventual post meno will start providing some relief.

  • Posted

    hi JEN - Just go back on this forum and check out all the posts in this forum about Burning Body parts, it will put your mind at ease with all the women who experience this sensation. Good Luck trying to find a dr who will be able to determine what the burning sensation is caused from...havent found a dr yet who can give me a definitive answer. i dont know if it is a hot flash/plunging hormones/thyroid/anxiety or what causing it, but it is suspect that so many peri/menopausal woman experience it, so you are not alone. Good Luck!

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    Yes and restless legs. I'm 50 and 6 years into surgical menopause but this is a recent development

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    This absolutely happens to me! I do notice it happens when my Vit D is low and improves when I supplement. Sometimes the unbearably hot feet--like running outside in mid-winter hot--are my first indicator that my D is low.

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      I just got my blood results back. My Vit D is 28, so below the low acceptable level of 30. Go figure since I've got a perpetual tan and live in Florida and don't wear sunscreen. So going to start being religious with taking D, would be interesting to see what happens with my burning feet. My B12 was on the low acceptable level as well, so going to start supplementing with that too. I've got all these things but am sooo bad about taking them.

      At least the diabetes test was negative. I had myself convinced I had it and started losing sleep over it. Boy, amazing how fast the health anxiety can rear it's ugly head in my peri world. Repeat after me: NO GOOGLE (I'm talking to myself here, lol!)

  • Posted

    hi suzanne - i absolutely believe that the burning body parts is hormone or even anxiety related. i have had burning body parts all over & it does seem to rear its ugly head during the night when cortisol is starting to rev up. Although while saying this, i have also experienced it during the day, so who knows? i am still paying on an ER Visit, from a really bad burning back & 3 drs in ER, just looked at me like i was crazy. i also had very low VIT D, & supplements didnt bring it up for me, i had to get a RX for Vitamin D, i take once a week 50000 units i believe. I do not have diabetes either, but i do suffer from one heck of a case of burning body parts. i am 7 years post meno, in the beginning i had terrible hot flushes/flashes & not so bad anymore, so maybe the burning body parts is a different type of hot flash - my anxiety has increased, so maybe they go hand & hand with that -

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