HOT FLASHES How often!
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So what's the normal amount of time between flashes or is everyone different, I still have not had a period 2 months after having Nexplanon removed (Contraceptive) but the flashes are coming back about 1 an hour and I fear they are going to become more often, I woke up last night and thought I was laying on a beach in the Bahamas I was so hot you could of fried an egg on me lol.
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annieschaefer Astrid64
From I've gathered, we are all different. My daytime flashes came on real subtle in the beginning, thought I was coming down with a flu at first. Then I got the raging blast type flashes on and off for a few months, then they have somewhat stopped. I could have just a few a day or none, then some days seems like there was little relief in between. What you described is the night sweats, which occasionally hit me. I am so used to them that now I wake up quick, change tops and put dry towel underneath me and go back to sleep.
I actually look forward to winter so I can step outside to collect myself when necessary. Never thought I would see the day that I would be happy to see winter come along to tame my very own "heat wave".
Astrid64 annieschaefer
kleinLSM Astrid64
Just an information. A typical hot flash episode lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. However, it can take up to 30 minutes for a woman to feel normal again after a hot flash, especially with stronger and more intense hot flashes.
The average length of perimenopause is 4 years, but for some women this stage may last only a few months or continue for 10 years. Perimenopause ends when a woman has gone 12 months without having her period. While each woman's experience of hot flashes is slightly unique, the average duration of hot flashes is about two years. That said, it is normal to have hot flashes lasting anywhere from six months to fifteen years.
fancygoldfish Astrid64
jayneejay Astrid64
Oh i sympathise.
you will be up and down hormones wise, especially in peri and body re adjusting to the implant removal, wild hormones.
My first flushes were early peri mainly. And night sweats in bed were the sopping wet type, again early peri.
But.. I dont know if you seen my summer posts but this summer i had the flushes return, was having up to 20 per day in the height of summer heat.
' hot flush being the way we cool down in menopause'
Yesterday it was hot here 31 degs and again a few hot flushes. (I am post meno now)
You feel on fire from within, to touch my outer body doesnt feel hot ..
big hugs jay xx
tina90965 Astrid64