Hot flashes with low blood sugar?
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Hello I have been on this forum for some time (three years post menopause) normally trying to answer others with their symptoms but now I aeem to be experiencing hot flashes again but with what feels like low blood sugar feeling. They seem to be coming together and wonder if others experience this? I have had the flashes in the past but thankfully on their own and some time ago. I would like it if one of you lovely ladies could let me know if you have experienced both x
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Guest pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Guest
tina67303 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy tina67303
debra16694 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy - hi, I am post menopausal 6 years, but only starting experiencing menopause symptoms about 3 years ago - just recently I have been experiencing weird blood sugar episodes. My fasting glucose is a elevated @ 113 (never had an issue before) & just last night I had a scoop of ice cream (trying to not eat sugar as of late) & my heart went nuts with palpitations, had flushing & couldnt calm myself down to go to sleep - it’s like the sugar brought on a hot flash/flush - Ugh!
pinkcatfairy debra16694
tina67303 pinkcatfairy
Thanks pinkcatfairy for the description! It does sound similar to what I have been experiencing for the last few months. I have been trying to cut down on my caffeine intake but it is so hard! I try to water my coffee down somewhat but it doesn't really help. #1 it tastes like sh*t (LOL) and #2 it doesn't help with the heart palpitations. I just need to really cut it out altogether.
When I have these episodes I feel my cheeks kind of getting tingly and flushed (but externally when I look in the mirror I don't see my cheeks flushed). I then get kind of woozy and light headed.
pinkcatfairy tina67303
Yes I had to go on decaffeinated coffee in early peri as I felt like my head would explode! It use to make me feel very nervy and had a couple of really bad panic attacks but then I could drink it again after a while. The trouble is with menopause anything can happen anytime and now I'm experiencing these internal hot flashes and low Sugar! The strange thing is , I can sometimes drink the tea/coffee without any x