Hot flushes

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Today I'm having really bad flushes, they start with a pain in my chest, then my heart starts racing, I thought it was too good to be true that I could go for more than two days without any, now today they are here with a vengeance, went to bed after a nightshift only to have to get out of bed an hour and a half's not helping that  my c.s. Is giving me agonising pains in my shoulder and neck...

god when do these end? I'm so fed up of pain and menopause.

ive sent away for one of those acti patches I hope at least that helps one thing I've got.. 😢

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Angela 

    hot flushes ... Not nice ..

    i had them in early peri only for a short time.. Thought that was that, no more ..

    then after a ten year peri and now being post menopause ( age 50) last summer gone they came back .. i do live in southern spain and the heat really set them off this last summer, i was having up to 20 a day.. ( had to get in the pool to cool down and stop them) 

    Hot flush is the way our bodies cool in menopause and with our hormones being all over the body is confused thinking we are over heated and so we have a flush ..

    it has calmed for me now its cooler, but i still get a mild flush sensation if i get over warm.. 

    Night mare arent they 

    jay x


    • Posted

      Hot Flushes the root cause ..

      The root cause of hot flushes is not clear.

      What is known is that the part of the brain that senses and controls body temperature (and other body functions) is the hypothalamus.

      During the menopause, oestrogen levels fall.

      Although not fully understood, scientists think that this fall in oestrogen causes a glitch in the way the hypothalamus senses body temperature, making it think that you are too hot.

      This causes a response designed to cool the body down.

      More blood goes to the skin (one of the causes of hot flushes and reddening of the skin) and sweat glands start working (the menopausal sweat).

  • Posted

    hi Jayneejay, I think I can cope with the flushes but the uncomfortable pain in my chest always sets me off worrying again, I know it's not a heart attack but anything happening sets of the anxiousness,  it only started last year I dread to think how long it's going to last. 
  • Posted

    Same here, Angela.

    A couple of days where the flushes were very mild, sense that they were diminishing, then WHAM! back with a vengeance. Hotter, sweatier and now with added leg pains. Hello insomnia my old friend. Aargh. Really feeling grotty today. I would laugh if I didn't feel so old and decrepit. i share the vampires' fear of mirrors. Who is that old woman staring back at me? Why isn't there a course to prepare women for this just like there's a childbirth awareness course. Not every woman experiences childbirth but we all go through this ghastly experience in one way or another. I think I'll have a nap now.

    • Posted

      aww hey val, that made me chuckle, thanks for the uplift when you're feeling down about it it's good to know there's more of me out there, I am not the only old croc in the mirror 👵

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