Hot flushes
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Hello ladies, I know we're all different but wondered how long you all had hot flushes for? I've been having night sweats on and off for about a year and thought maybe I'm lucky and won't get them in the day time. How wrong was I! Last few weeks I'm getting several a day plus the night sweats. Phew, I'm even sweating typing this!
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elaine68190 c47267
susan556 c47267
Sue x
jayneejay c47267
oh dont get me started on hot flushesÂ
i only ever had them in early peri and night sweats ..
night sweats where you wake up sopping wet and legs slipping off each other .. and day flushes where for me, heat from face down for a few seconds or minutes .. intense .. often followed by feeling cold ..
well i had about 2 years of those on and off .. but in early peri ..
i started Rainforest food Maca capsules and they helped no end with all the symptoms..
i started with an early peri ( same as my mother) but mine lasted ten year ..
ummmm i am now post meno aged 50 and guess whatm last summer my hot flushes returned, and severely was having 20+ a day .. they have eased off now, still get them daily but not 20 plus.
it may have been the intense spanish heat and being newly post meno .. not sure.. đŠ
hormones play havoc and tells our brain we need to cool down so we have a flush ... also can be other issues, but if in peri time or post meno then more likely just that
jay xÂ
Although not fully understood, scientists think that this fall in oestrogen causes a glitch in the way the hypothalamus senses body temperature, making it think that you are too hot.
This causes a response designed to cool the body down. More blood goes to the skin (one of the causes of hot flushes and reddening of the skin) and sweat glands start working (the menopausal sweat).
oh the joysÂ
susan556 jayneejay
Sue x
jayneejay susan556
no i havent tried it ..
jay x
thats very cooling đ
mine are not as bad now - hope it stays that way..
just had a major flush blip last year ( mainly summer)Â
jay x
Shelly0069 susan556
cazjaz16 c47267
Sydneymum cazjaz16
Glad you jumped in discussion. I am going to try your cucumber remedy. Worth a go. I have night sweats a few times a month and generally hot at night. No actual hot flashes during the day, more just being hotter than usual and getting hot and sweaty down my neck and back even when cold.
Where did you read or hear about it?
cazjaz16 Sydneymum
Sydneymum c47267
I am 44 and have had night sweats for last 2 to 3 years. Started very gradually in my case so that I did not make the connection until Dr told me. Initially I had night sweats maybe 2 a month, waking at 2am ish, hot all over and sweaty. Then I noticed during the day I was feeling hot and would be sweaty down my back and neck. Not a hot flash per say, more a kind of being hotter generally than I ever used to be. I was a "always feeling the cold" kind of gal, but now I don't feel the cold as much.
lately, I get night sweats maybe 3 or 4 times a month usually either week of or week after my period. Ă have to sleep with thin cotton pajamas even though it's cold and cannot tolerate our usual winter lambswool blanket which my hubbie has on his side of the bed as well as a duvet. Funny, it's like clockwork, I awake at 2am ish with the hot sweat.
ĂŹ will try the other ladies suggestion of water with cucumber. Certainly worth a try.
susan556 c47267
jayneejay susan556
i googled cucumber in water and ir has many benefitsÂ
i certainly get a cucumber when i am next outÂ
jay x
cazjaz16 jayneejay
jayneejay cazjaz16
oh yes ..Â
i see that water melon also good ..
i do eat lots of melon in summer ..
i will certainly try it, i do like cucumber .. I see that the cucumber skin is left on and some even liquidise  the cucumber and drink the lot it in some waterÂ
Thanks againÂ
jay x
cazjaz16 jayneejay