Hot flushes

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does anyone else get so warm when hot flush they feel like they are going to pass out? it happen a few times recently to me. it happen at work and they are now having to a special safety arrangement in place for me so i can go into the lab. i feel so embarrassed about it. Also does have a tips for cooling back down during a hot flush ? Thanks.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel sick when I get them, and feel like I could pass out. It's difficult living in Florida and being so hot all the time. Can you get a little fan to blow on you?

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    you could buy a cooling face spray or a hand held fan run tour wrists under cold water and wear light cotton clothing when possible

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    Hi .. yes had a few episodes where I'm overwhelmed with feeling hot and sick .. I've actually passed out a few times .. but now I lie down on the floor until that feeling passes ..

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    the cooling face spray sounds good . i give it a go . thanks for the advice everyone.

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    Hi Rachel,,, have been having severe hot flashes for about 4 years now some day I have one right after another it is horrible and I turn bright red all over my face and chest and it just stays that way,,, they went away for awhile and I was so happy and they came back with a vengence and now everytime I start to get them I fell like Im just about to FAINT and almost do,, It is also so hot here in the Phx,,Az sun when the humidity comes in that is when the faint feeling is worse.... Hugs to allxxxx

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      i lucky don't get panicked or anxiety. i just hoping that now the heat wave in the UK is over i won't get them as often. As in the winter i was getting them much less and my HRT kicks in so . It just been really having to explain to my boss . He great and been so supportive. its just hard as only i am only 28. i just can't believe how many have really horrible symptoms. i counting my self lucky. i only experienced hot flushes , less bladder control , tiredness and weight gain. so sorry to hear you had them for 4 years hope it stops so for you.

    • Posted

      Hello Rachel, try the supplement black cohosh, but you have to take it faithfully every day. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol as it makes it 100 times worse. When you say they have you go to the lab, are you wearing a certain type of jumpsuit, type of material, like tyvek or something. Materials instigate them, polyester, spandex, lycra. any materials not Natural can bring one on.go to a yoga instructor and have her show you deep breathing techniques, it helps greatly. Purchase peppermint essential oil, mix several drops with witch hazel and water and put it in a bottle that has a battery operated fan attached. Try to wear cotton, bamboo or linen clothing. purchase a menopause support that contains, D, E, B one, B2, niacin, B6, B12, calcium, magnesium, soy bean extract, black cohosh root extract, red clover blossom extract, DONGQUAI, CHASTEBERRY fruit, licorice root powder.

      Natural Grocers vitamins are good per Dr Garrett Harvard, also Douglas Labs & Consumer Labs are very reputable. we just had pizza and I feel I have Flash coming on. Gluten, additives and preservatives can bring on hot flashes. I know it sounds ridiculous, anything can bring them out almost. I seriously do not know how people that are going through menopause can live in a hot area 24/7...365, I wanna move from the area I currently live in because the summers are unbearable. I honestly had one today because I had caffeinated coffee on the way to the pharmacy and felt a little bit like I was gonna pass out. Best wishes to you ...xo

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      Thanks for the advice. i am personally not very comfortable taking herbal remedies as they are not scientifically proven. unfortunately i have to wear a lab and other protection clothes in the lab. my work are currently looking to have ice packs in easy to reach places i can use to cool myself down with I am already taking vitamin D and calcium.i tried evening primrose but it did nothing. i don't understand the water bottle and essential oil thing .

    • Posted

      Lisa I have watched your interaction and your comments throughout this form and I just want to say how passionate and concerning you are for all of the ladies here. You are simply offering things that have either work for you or you know someone that they have worked for OR apparently have spoken with a professional with your knowledge. You are a wonderful woman and I thank you for all of your advice. GOD BLESS YOU LISA! Hope you feel better Rachael.

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      Thank you Crystal for your continual positivity, you’re a treasure ! XO

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    I don't get too hot, but I definitely get woozy and panicky. xo

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      Same here Stacy. I.m wondering if I.m not having some type of hotflash when I get woozy and get the tingling in my hands and feet. I.m always hot, so. No sweating tho, other than occassional night sweats.

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      I don't sweat either. I get this odd feeling like something is off, then I get a bit dizzy/woozy, sometimes my eyes go a bit wonky, and then my hands and feet feel flush. It is so strange. It isn't anything like how I heard a hot flash described. I am always warm too. I haven't had a night sweat yet, but I do wake up with palpitations.

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