Hot Flushes and Chills
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Hi everyone, my hot flushes have returned after three months without them. Not only am I having hot flushes they are follwed by coldness. I have been experiencing this for about 2 weeks now.
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jane5216 maria____a64048
Same here. All my symptoms seemed to be subsiding a few months ago and I thought I was over the worst. But all back with a vengeance. Temperature fluctuates radically, mood swings, insomnia, and so on. Guess I'm not out of the woods yet.
maria____a64048 jane5216
jane5216 maria____a64048
Don't think I'm quite on 20 so I feel for you. But people have started mentioning it. I just say I'm having a hot flush - I think it should be more recognised and out in the open; it's nothing to be ashamed of and I'm on a quest to educate people more on what happens to millions of women! ;o) Does anything seem to trigger yours?
maria____a64048 jane5216
Sugary foods, carbs, also any shift in my emotions like anger, especially when I am feeling stressed. Other times it just comes on it's own.
Pennypops maria____a64048
Hi, yes i get those ... I now wear a t.shirt and jumper/ cardigan as I'm really hot when flushing , face red, and skin so hot then i feel chilled...At night my husband says he can't get near me as I'm boiling...I kick quilt off ..Then feel cold ..I've started taking sage tablets...They now seem to be helping a bit after 1 month