Hot Flushes Like Never Before !
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Hi ladies. I'll be 50 in 2 weeks and have never felt so rough. I've had peri symptoms for about 5 years, a few hot flushes a day, about one a night with erratic sleep patterns, irregular periods, the odd bit of nausea etc etc. I've been thinking to myself that it's ok. If it doesn't get any worse, I can cope with it, but for about a month now, the hot flashes are almost constant, day and night. Woke up this morning feeling very nauseous. Went to work and my boss sent me home! That's never happened. I can usually manage, but not today. Trying to give up alcohol completely while going through menopause but it's hard. But whether I drink or not, the hot flushes have become unbearable. I have a docs appointment next Monday and, for the first time, I'm considering asking for HRT. But I don't want to get dependent on it. My friend is 65 and still takes it and every time she tries to stop, she has panic attacks and hot flushes so goes back on it. What are the best types of HRT? Advice appreciated.
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maria101 Lara66
Lara66 maria101
Zigangie Lara66
Mine got worse as time went on. I didn't have hot flushes but just hot all the time 2 years post and I was just boiling 24/7.
I'm on HRT and it stopped it within a week, I didn't fancy the idea of horse urine (HRT beginning with "pre" eg premarin or prempac) so I asked for a bio identical. The one I'm on (oestrogel and Utrogestan) is made with yams or soy.
It stopped the nausea and anxiety and depression.
I don't intend to come off it until I absolutely must!
sarn30515 Lara66
debbie75601 Lara66
tracey88366 Lara66
tracy16346 tracey88366
tracey88366 tracy16346
tracy16346 tracey88366
tracy16346 Lara66
karen71465 Lara66
karen x
Sochima822 Lara66
jonah06132 Lara66
Sochima822 jonah06132
jonah06132 Sochima822