Hot Flushes - Prostate Cancer hormone therapy

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 Here are my own observations at week five into LH hormone therapy.

> After a faltering start I settled into three or so mild hot flushes a day with some at night.

> The worst part for me is that shortly after the onset of a flush my memory is impaired and logical thought becomes confused. I could live with the fuzzy feeling in my head if that was all. This impairment lasts about one hour after the flush subsides. So I cannot do much sensible work or play the piano without making a hash of it and frequently forgetting how to continue the piece I am playing.

> I have found the advice to keep cool helpful. So I wear lighter clothes than formerly and try to keep a feeling of being slightly cold. I don't like that but it is better than a flush.

> I have accepted the advice of many that exercise is helpful. Amongst other benefits it is held to assist in limiting hot flushes. So in addition to my afternoon stroll with my wife (I.5 to 2 mph) I now take two brisk walks a week on my own. (3 to 3.5 mph - I used to manage over 4 mph). Again picking up on advice relating to hormone treatment I have added home devised power exercises with chest expander spring and hurrying up and down the stairs six times in succession. Plus, pelvic floor exercises in anticipation of radiotherapy.

> I found that stress, warming exercise excluded, frequently brings on a flush. 

DISCOVERY or just something I had missed.

> I have found that if during a flush if I do some exercise that I know from experience will be enough to warm me, when I stop I cool down normally and so cut short the flush. (I must cool down. If I stay warm the flush takes off again within a few minutes.) My flushes normally last about 90 minutes. For me the effective exercising is

>> six  times rapidly up and down stairs.

>> five minutes brisk walking

> If I do this exercising within about 60 seconds of the start of the flush I avoid the memory and logic problems. (Any delay and the problems last the usual hour after the end of the excerising / flush. )

Does anyone use a similar "cure" for a flush? Does it work for anyone else? 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Out of curiosity are you on Zoladex? My husband was told if he isn't suitable for brachy he would be put on Zoladex, I myself have taken this, so was surprised it is for men too!
    • Posted

      I have read that there are cases where men are given hormone treatment devised for women. But no, I am not on that. I am currently on Triptorelin Acetate. It certainly seems to supress Testosterone. it is really quite an interesting experience viewing the world with hugely diminished Testosterone. Not that that should worry you. I think, with quite modest adjustment, you will both find plenty to maintain your relationship at a very satisfactory level. Certainly the relatioship between my wife and I is slightly different and just as valuable as before. I do not think the changes are noticeable to anyone else they are so subtile. Well, except the side effects, that is.

      Anyway, I hope the answer to your question is a help. The rest I hope is encouraging, but I don't expect you really needed it. Wishing you both all the best.

  • Posted

    Ok, it is a dfferent one, I was shocked when they said Zoladex as I ws on it for 5 months, I refused month 6 as the hot flushes were so bad and I put on 3 stone. So I would hate my husband to have to take it, but I had nothing life threatening so refusing was my choice. It would be a very different situation if it was for something more serious. Good luck.
  • Posted

    Hi George

    My Zoladex treatment started in June 2011 and almost immediately the hot flushes began.  Mine were particularly noticeable during the night, waking me at least 3 times every night, then sitting on the edge of the bed for 10 minutes until it subsided.  The flushes during the day were just embarassing.  I have tried t6he herbal remedies, Evening Primrose, everything in the local Pharmacy for Menopause, Homeopathy and Acupuncture.  To be honest none of these seemed to have any benefit, but who knows if it would have been worse without these.

    My 2 years of Zoladex (this followed Surgery and Radiotherapy) ended July 2013, I still get hot flushes although the intensity seems to be reducing.

    I found exercise helpful, especially as I bought light weight walking shirts and trousers.  Around the house I wear light shirts most of the year.  I have been told that alcohol and coffee should be avoided.

    I do find that concentration on crosswords or sudoku do seem to bring a flush on.  I haven't noticed any change in concentration prior to or after a flush. My wife might disagree!!

    I improved a small amount when I became less concerned about other people's reaction.  In the early days I was flying on scheduled flights and worried that the passenger next to me thought I might have the plague or something nasty.

    I hope this helps, but never forget that the alternative could be seriously worse.


    • Posted

      Thank you Ken for that. Yes, I find too that the stress of concentration is a trigger. Also, i made a big mistake today. I was playing with our music group. Not surprisingly grappling with a difficulty brought a flush on. I toughed it out until the end of the session, half an hour. The flush was modest and once the group members had gone my six times up and down stairs fixed the flush. But not the memory and logic problem with fatigue and nausia. Those are slowly abaiting at last over four hours later. I have already withdrawn from the group. My playing was not very good either. Moral for me - take it easy immediately.
  • Posted

    Since I last wrote, I have found that Tincture of Sage very effective. Flushes are infrequent. I do get spells when I slowly heat up. If I cool down by taking off some garments or moving to where the air is cooler I cool down without further problems. When I get blasé or lazy then the warm suddenly changes into a flush. Stress still brings on a flush.

    When my first bottle of tincture ran out I used capsules of sage oil which I had on hand. The standard dose of one capsule was ineffective as was four capsules. Six capsules seemed to work but I stopped taking the capsules after the first dose of six. I became loudly agitated and pathetically weepy. It came on suddenly at full strength and stopped suddenly. It was totally horrible. in between I was pathetically sad. This wore off in about four hours. The flushes were preferable. Two days later my order of Tincture of Sage arrived, much to my relief.

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    Delighted to hear that you have found some help.  Nobody ever mentioned the tincture of sage.  I really did not get on with the capsules.

    I heard yesterday that my PSA is still zero and my testosterone is back to normal.  The hot flushes continue but are less severe.  I am a really lucky guy.

    Met somebody last week who was given 5 years to live after prostate cancer diagnosis,  that was 14 years ago!!

    Best wishes for the future.



  • Posted

    I've been on Zoladex for a month. The hot flushes are realy getting me down. I get at least one per hour and several through the night. I'm intersested in trying Tnkture of Sage. So i'll make enquiries at my pharmacy and let the forum know how I get on. Cheers.

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