Hot Flushes, Rogue Hairs and General Symptoms
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I've been having Hot Flushes now for approximately 8 months. I can have quite a few each day and during the night. They are not particularly pleasant either. Also I have a rogues hair which is the consistency of a pubic hair which grows under my chin. Just one and it can grow very long in a matter of days. I keep shaving it to get rid but it grows back every so often. My periods are also very irregular now. Recently I haven't had one for 3 months then I had one for 10 days (very heavy) with a weeks spotting then another 10 days of bleeding. I'm 54 and suffer with severe health anxiety also. I find my boobs get very tender and I sometimes get little sharp pains in them and I feel bloated as well. Is this pretty normal for Menopause and if so Is this it in full swing now? Any help would be appreciated.
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maria101 Craftylady
Hi Craftylady, I had those long chin hairs on mine I pull them out with twizers all part of growing old...I'm the same age as you been through the missing the spotting and heavy sound like your in full swing, how long have you been going this, it does get better with time I'm afraid there is no quick fix to this roller coaster ride, do what you can to get through it and as time passes you will find it will ease ok.
Craftylady maria101
Glad to hear I'm not the only one Maria. I have had the rogue chin hair for about 4 years. The spotting, missing and heavy bleeding for about a year now and the flushes about 8 months. I tried plucking the hair but it's quite thick and very painful so I couldn't actually do it......
Thank you for taking the trouble to reply.
monique_93857 Craftylady
gailannie Craftylady
Hi there Crafty Lady,
Everything you described is exactly what I experienced in early perimenopause. So these symptoms came sooner than later for me, but I continued periods for another ten years.
The things you are describing are often created by a lack of progesterone. Sore breasts (lack of progesterone in relation to estrogen) heavy bleeding for ten days (lack of progesterone) A wild chin hair that won't quit (testosterone stimulation overshadowing your estradiol, and of course what helps the body rid itself of the extra testo, yep, progesterone) What happens during this change is we can still produce estrogen and testosterone, however we rarely ovulate which produces our high levels of progesterone i the second half of the cycle.
As far as the anxiety, our adrenal glands attempt to help out when our sex steriods change. Those are the fight or flight hormones, so go figure, they are over producing and causing those uneasy feelings you are experiencing. Not a lot of fun is it?
Hope this explanation helps. I always felt it helped if I knew what the biology was that was causing these horrible symptoms.
monique_93857 gailannie
metamorphed gailannie
gailannie metamorphed
The coil is a synthetic progesterone, called a "progestin". Some women like it, others don't do so well.
It sounds like you would prefer to try some progesterone cream to see if it helps. You can buy it over the counter in most health food/vitamin stores. If you try it, I would recommend starting with a very small amount, and then work up. Don't over due it. Some woman use it morning and night for 14 days right before their period is scheduled. When the progesterone level drops, then they have a period. Estrogen stimulates a uterine lining to grow and progesterone sluffs it off.
Sorry I can't be more help with this decision, but every woman is so different. All you can do is try and see what feels right for your body. It would be a blessing to take away the sore breasts!
Craftylady gailannie
anna42582 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed,
I was diagnosed with having perimenopause back in 2013 and had a Mirena coil fitted after having a D & C... the Mirena did stop the heavy periods but I found that I soon developed other peri symptoms, anxiety, skin conditions, nausea, headaches etc at the moment I am still having "periods" lately 3 weeks on & off then stop for a few days, bleed for a day, stops for another 4 or so days then start bleeding again... I have gone 3 months with nothing but that was last year....
metamorphed anna42582
so, the mirena did not really help with anything else really? and your period at the moment sounds like mine, 2 weeks constant, then stop, then another two weeks spotting, stop. I also had a gap of 3 months with nothing in 2015, but still having them this year and lately the prolonged ones. I have gone off the idea of the mirena, its been 21 days since my last period, so waiting to see what the next one will be like...
Rhino2015 Craftylady
Hi there - poor lady
I too have those darn hairs, please never shave they seem to magically duplicate or become more noticeable on their return.
Pluck them or use a hair depilatory creme (Gental one for faces about $5) Last much longer tha shaving too
If you can take HRT give it a go, life is almost normal again, and some days it is just awesome. Haven't said that for a very long time.
Keep us posted?
Loui x
Can any of you tell me if when you have Hot Flushes do you actually physically perspire? I find my forehead perspires as well as my upper chest area. It's horrible.