Hot flushes & sweats, can it get any worse?

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Hi Ladies,

Hope this post finds you well? So, I’ve been in Peri for around 5 years, had some of the symptoms, headaches, nausea , depression, anxiety and the odd hot flush & sweats. Everything seemed to be under control until about a  few days ago... we’ve had humid weather here in Australia and it’s hit me hard..... these hot flushes/sweats came from nowhere, this warm intense feeling inside and a feeling of dread came over me, the sweat literally running down my face and arms, and then the nausea hit.... I have never felt anything like it before and it scares me... I just burst into tears every time I felt this warm/ hot feeling wash over me, it’s a horrible feeling to say the very least!!!!

Ladies, please tell me this is as bad as it gets???? 

Anna 😞😞

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Sadly hun, no one can tell you that this will be as bad as it gets because we are all so different in so many ways. But you are not alone in what is happening to you and we are all here for you to help you through and reassure you that these horrible thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms will eventually ease up and go away. Keep as distracted as you can when the hot flashes come and try to concentrate on something else when you feel panicky or depressed. Have you had or thought of any kind of medications or natural remedies? I have an excellent home-made recipe for a nightime drink if you cant sleep.

    Just let me know if you want it. Heres hoping you feel better very soon. XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina,

      Thanks so much for your reply. I know there are a lot of ladies out there with Peri symptoms that are much worse than mine, my symptoms seem so petty compared to those ladies that are left debilitated by Peri.... I honestly thought, Yep, a few Perimenopause Symptoms, I can handle this, no problem.... then WHAM, hot flushes full on....unbelievable!!!!!

      Currently I’m taking herbal menopause tabs which also help me sleep at night and help with night sweats.... had my first night sweat the other night, totally freaked me out! I’m throwing myself into getting fitter, doing aerobics every morning and that keeps my mind off the Peri and the anxiety of the hot flushes.

      Thanks again Tina for your reply.


    • Posted

      You are very welcome. Always reachable if you need to talk XXX
    • Posted

      Thanks Tina, although we know we are not alone we tend to feel as though we are.... does that make any sense?!

      Take care

      Anna 😊

    • Posted

      Yes Anna, it makes perfect sense. I have found this forum an absolute godsend, having so many other ladies all over the world to talk to and we all have one thing that unites us, this damn menopause! XXX
    • Posted

      Absolutely Tina, couldn’t agree more!!! This site is a godsend, knowing that there are other ladies out there going through Perimenopause/ menopause, read their posts and go yes, that’s ME! As well as sharing stories and offering support that we all need to get through this emotional  hormonal roller coaster ride from hell together! XXXX
  • Posted

    Anna, my jaw dropped when I read this! I had the exact same thing happen when perimenopause first kicked in-I woke up one morning with this horrid, overwhelming, terrifying feeling of panic-like a wave of panic that washed over me and completely blocked out rational thought. It's indescribable!! Then, it was like my insides were on fire and I began to vomit-this went on for months, along with excessive bleeding and a host of other symptoms... I thought I was dying. I lost 20 pounds, became anemic and literally thought I was having a complete mental breakdown. 

    What you're experiencing is completely normal with hormone imbalances! You are not crazy and you're not imaging things!

    I would try to find a doctor who specializes in women's health issues and go through the difficult "guinea pig" phase of trying different treatments until you find something that works.

    I tried many different treatments, including bi-est cream, herbal supplements, psych meds, essential oils, vitamin therapy and amino acid therapy before starting Prempro. It's worked for me, but I still have my bad days.

    I had a history of anxiety and depression before perimenopause hit me, so my dr started me on Lamictil and Buspar. Both have helped immensely. 

    I will pray for you and hope that you find a supportive doctor and the right treatment...hang in there and remember that you're not alone-millions of women have experienced exactly what you're experiencing. Xoxoxoxo

    • Posted

      Hi FemalBrain,

      Thanks so much for your reply. I read your earlier post and like you I have had Anxiety, depression & PTSD in the past and thanks to Peri the anxiety has come back. You discribed the hot flush perfectly, like your insides are on fire, it’s a horrible feeling. I’m hoping that the hot humid weather here in Australia may be the trigger for my hot flushes and that once it gets cooler so will

      I???!!!  The last couple of days haven’t been too bad so I will see how it goes, if it gets any worse I will certainly see my dr. At

      The moment I want to steer clear of any major medications unless I really have to start taking them, I’m taking herbal menopause tabs which are helping. I’m just taking each day as it comes.

      Thanks again FemaleBrain for your reply.

      Take care


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