Hot flushes / sweats controlling life!
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Hello all. First time posting here. I'm 48, on HRT patches & Sertraline.
My anxiety is greatly improved with both these meds, feel relaxed & able to cope.
It's the hot flushes & sweating that is stopping me from doing most things. Any change of atmosphere at any temperature, so walking from one room to another, even walking down the Tesco fridge isle will cause me to sweat, so it can be seen running down my face, neck & chest. A 5 min walk, even a swim. My doors & windows are open while the rest of the family freezes!
The only way to avoid triggers is to do nothing, which is impossible.
I'm only in my 2nd month of HRT. The doc says it can take months to get under control & its too early to increase dosage.
This has been for 2 years now & although have seen some improvement with HRT my friends say they've never seen anyone suffer the flushes & sweats as much but I bet there's some of you out there that can relate.
Would love to hear from you ladies xx
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connie14168 Sars77
I HATE the hot flashes and sweating. I've been going through this for a little over 5 years. I can set a clock by my hot flashes during the day and the night sweats are random (only when I get completely comfortable) then all the sudden a stupid hot flash.
I don't want to take any meds going natural, not sure how long this will last, doctor says it can last till I'm 70 or older. I sure hope not.
Sars77 connie14168
Hi Connie.
Thanks for your reply.
Do the flashes interfere with your day to day life & stop you going out?
I literally feel like I'm going to self combust just going shopping for groceries.
Went to a wedding, couldn't stay in the church. I cant go into a busy cafe or bar, body heat is the worst bring near people.
Oh God 70? I really hope not too.
maria76995 Sars77
Hi, I understand how you feel I only have sit down eat hot food, clean the bath get up and run upstairs I'm hot just awful Dr's don't help they just make you feel I read on others post here he's has told them it will stop 70 that's not helping I know people that don't go through that not more or wining down with it, it normally stops and come back until our hormones Adjust do you get cold afterwards some people do,early last year I tried HRT for one month and stop it to scared of it so I'm going through this naturally, I hope you feel better soon HUGS.
maisie05 Sars77
Super strength Sage helped me with the flushes and night sweats when they first started. Has to be super strength. Now I'm using hrt patches.
carmen_22574 Sars77
I drink chocolate soy milk and it helps my hot flashes/flushes. Unless you have thyroid problems I hear soy isn't good for that.
maxinecarla Sars77