Hot or Cold I’m very confused
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Anyone feel warm flushes but cold at the same time??? Not a regular hot flash that goes up your chest to your face then you sweat,, this is a constant feeling for about a week now almost all the time,, it is really strange and annoying,,,
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jamie37119 Beverlys1
I know when I am getting a "flush" when the top of my arms go warm, it then extends to my chest, upper legs and face, but I don't sweat at all, my feet go icy cold as do my hands and I end up feeling chilled rather than hot. I sometimes look pale as well. So I don't understand it at all as being a "hot flush/flash"
sara97862 Beverlys1
He beverlys1,
I literally just got done writing in my journal "how is it possible to be hot and cold at the same time?"
Since this is an older post, I'm wondering are you still feeling this way?
Much love to you!
jamie37119 sara97862
I still get this, have had it so far for nearly 2 years
staci88515 Beverlys1
I get this weird hot/cold tingly feeling in my chest and the back of my upper arms. I don't sweat and I would not describe it as hot flash, although that is what I assume it is. The palms of my hands and feet go coldish and sweat. I get it on and off, but when it is on, it is constant. xo
pamela2016 Beverlys1
yes this is how i have the flushes my face stays on fire and my ears but the rest of me is cold and chilled hands and feet is ice cold as well its ridiculous body thermostat is broken.