How about this then.
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Two years ago I was diagnosed by a specialist ENT doctor as having ETD.In all fairness he told me there is no treatment & no cure.Despite that I visited two other ENT specialists both were somewhat vague & one actually said that there was no evidence if the complaint.
This last month with the problem getting quite a lot worse my GP suggested a hearing aid & I was duly sent for very in depth test which produced the following remarks from a senior audiologist.
"Sir your hearing mechanism is just about as perfect as it could be.There are no impedements to your hearing such as wax,glue or any of the usual or unusual causes.Your Eustachian Tube is in excellent shape & a wash or ballooning of it would serve no purpose at all.I have no idea what is causing the high pressure you feel in your head.The CT & MRI scans you've received show it to be in excellent working order"
My GPs reaction was to suggest another nasal spray.
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megan117 michael11955
Michael, what led you to the ENT. You mention your problem getting worse, but don't mention Tinnitus? I feel bad that there seems to be no answer!m
michael11955 megan117
Dear Megan 117.My GP suggested it could be ETD & Itook it from there.I do get just a bit of tinnitus which I seem able to contain for now.So far I feel exactly as you do.I wish you well
patricia07933 michael11955
michael11955 patricia07933
Dear Patricia,thanks for your message.I've tried hay fever products which are anti-histamine & only succeed in making me drowsy.
dianataylor michael11955
Michael, i don't think they can tell u from an MRI or CAT scan or even a hearing test, if you are having Eustachian tube problems. I am curious how he knew your e tube was in excellent shape? Is there a way they can look at it and see if it's functioning? When i had my problems, a few yrs ago, there was no way to look at the e tubes or see how they were funcitoning? This would be a great tool for ENT's to be able to see your tubes and if they are opening and closing normally!
michael11955 dianataylor
Dear Diana Taylor,I have no idea of the mechanics of CT or MRI or what the results reveal.I just follow the medics suggestions & wait for the results & for them to explain in lay person's language.
So far zilch positive
anne05078 michael11955
Not too sure if you're the same Michael that's been in discussion with us all
for quite a while on this forum, or a new Michael.
You aren't really saying how the feeling is in your ears. Do they feel blocked,
which would obviously affect your hearing. When you pinch your nostils
together and blow, do you hear crackling and by doing this does the eustachian tubes open up and then close again if so, you are do in fact have ETD. When
there is a lot of mucus present in the eustachian tubes it can make our heads
feel pressure and lighted headed too.
Wondering why so many doctors can't get you sorted. At least having had an MRI and CT scan you know it's nothing serious !! However, what you are feeling, like the rest of us on here, suffering ETD is awful.
Look up on the internet 'Know The Cause' Hashimotos Dr Amy Meyers. Just had this advised to me by a fellow sufferer...I'll be looking it up too.
michael11955 anne05078
Thanks for your response anne.Yes I am the same Michael & we have exchanged notes & views here.I can hear a pin drop three rooms away,but cannot hear with clarity hardly anything in a room full of people.Also television programmes because the speakers are very thin & also face away from where I am.Sound bars help a little bit.When I get out of bed in the mornnig everything is clear as can be,but after 10-15 minutes the pressure (no pain) inside my head begins & builds.It causes some dizziness until I sit or lie down.
I'll look up Dr Meyers book & thank you for the informatiom,
needsomehelp26 michael11955
This sounds like what I have been dealing with for 3 months after a cold. I have been to the ENT and they looked at the entrance to my Eustachian tubes with a scope and found no blockage. They didn't see any inflammation in the nose and I have no sinus symptoms like stuffy nose or post nasal drip. In fact my sinuses feel 100% clear. I have crackling everytime I swallow, yawn, or even move my jaw around. The crackling is even audible it can be heard as clicks. I also get neck tension with this and a tense feeling in my ears along with tinnitis, sometimes dulled hearing. My hearing and pressure tests were also normal. I dont know if to spend the money on an MRI when it probably wont show anything. This is very frustrating all the doctors will say is to use a nasal spray and tell me I will be fine. I also feel a bit wobbly when walking I think its related to the ETD.
anne05078 needsomehelp26
Hello, they can't see anything because your problem is the otherside of the eardrum, like the rest of us on this forum. Many of us have received all of these tests too, with the same results. Inflammation and trapped mucus is the problem in many cases, so this has to be tackled.
Lighted headed, neck pain are all contributors. You have to get rid of inflammation. find my story in previous posts to other people on Forum, you may find it helps in some way. We all know what a miserable condition Eustachian Tube Dysfunction is. After taking a 20 reducing course of Prednisolone at the beginning of May everything has been wonderful for me. However, due to allergies and sinus issues (making a lot of clear mucus) I've once again lost my sense of smell and taste and yesterday while out (high levels of pollen in the air) my left ear blocked up. Thankfully by pinching nostrils together and blowing, it popped and so far so good again....absolutely dreading it returning after having a couple of months relief from inflammation, blocked ears, post nasal drip sinus and allergies.
michael11955 needsomehelp26
Hello ,Just this week ,in desperation my GP has suggested yet another nasal spray.Not that I have a blocked nose or blocked anything.For all the good it's done he might just as well have suggested an enema.
anne05078 michael11955
I thought you suffered ETD too MIchael. I think if the nasal sprays are used correctly for this condition they help somewhat. What did you tell your GP you're suffereing from ?
Becaue there is no magic solution to solve ETD I think they just keep prescribing the sprays etc to keep us quiet, instead of getting to the root of the problem. Makes me cross when doctors say the ears are clear, of course they are from looking down them, however, they can't see the other side of the eardrum. Evidently, if the eardrums are shiny that a good thing.