How Accurate is 3T MRI
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Hi Guys, Last time I wrote here a few weeks back a lot of people were kind enough to reply, hoping for some more informsation from people with this experience.....
Briefly: 58 Years old, been referred by GP and having tests at hospital for a sudden rise in PSA from regular 3.1 to 7.5 after a 14 month gap between tests.....Whilst waiting for hospital to get in touch went to a private clinic for a new PSA test with "Free PSA".....Test came back at 4.3 PSA and a free PSA of 23%.....Also had a consultation with private consultant from the clinic who is a well known prof of urology ....40 minute consultation and DRE and he tells me "No Cancer".....
Since then I have been called to hospital, had a cystoscopy (Tests clear)...a CT Urogram and a 3T MRI....They wanted to give me a biopsy, but in light of the lowered test result and the "diagnosis" from the prof I asked my hospital consultant (via his secretary as I have yet to meet him) if I could swerve the biopsy and see what the MRI threw up...He agreed. ....Hospital appointment yesterday to discuss results with urology dept. Doctor called me in, never introduced himself, was a bit stand offish, not unpleasant but very business like, asks why I did not have the biopsy? (he isn't the consultant obviously) I explain my reason and he asks to see the lowered test results, I show him. He explains that the MRI is showing "something" and it is small. I ask him if it is confined to the gland (it is) ....But they need to do a biopsy to see what it is. I say that I thought that a 3T MRI could tell the difference between something nasty, something benign or inflammation....He says that this is not the case, his words were something like: "PSA means nothing, Free PSA means nothing, Scan means nothing only a biopsy can see what this is"
He did say that if I wasn't worried I could leave it until the next PSA reading to see what has happened, but I don't have that kind of personality.
I now feel like I have shot myself in the foot as I have now booked a biopsy for 2 weeks time and the results 2 weeks after that, so instead of finding out yesterday I now have another 4 weeks to sweat before I get a (maybe) definitive answer.......Basically my question is this: Has anybody had the experience where an MRI scan has shown something up which eventually turned out to be nothing to worry about.....I'm talking up to date equipment here guys....
Will post this in Prostate problems page as well
Thanks in advance
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Soloco tony96045
My scan only showed abnormalities but at least they
could then target the area for biopsy. Instead of going in blind so to speak. I know this may not help your decision but I am glad I had the targeted biopsies.
tony96045 Soloco
Hi Soloco, So the question is were your "abnormalities" Cancer or something benign?
When I mentioned targeted biopsy to the doc yesterday he didn't actually say yes, just that they would know "roughly" the area to look.....Maybe I got the janitor.....
tony96045 Soloco
Soloco tony96045
Unfortunately they didn't know or they didn't tell me if they did.
I read there is less risk of infection "The risk of serious infection is less with a Transperineal biopsy, because the needle doesn’t have to pass through the rectum to access the prostate"
The risk of serious infection is less with a Transperineal biopsy, because the needle doesn’t have to pass through the rectum to access the prostate
tony96045 Soloco
Hi Soloco, I'm confused now (which isn't hard for me)....the abnormalities in your scan I assumed were your gleason 6 or 7 which was later discovered .....If that's not the case then it's mighty incurious of you not to ask....or did I miss something?
Soloco tony96045
tony96045 Soloco
dave08450 tony96045
Continent almost at once, ed not working 12 weeks on. Psa <0.02 but will keep a very close eye on that as we all know it comes back!!!
dave08450 tony96045
Well I had a 1.5 T mri which showed a probable small tumour in one side. The biopsy proved this to he the case. It determined it was stage 1, then increased to T2a. After my prostatectomy, the spread was even more, and it was upgraded to 3b, which shows how useless the mri actually was. It only shows concentrated lumps and won't show cancer cells that are more spread out. Have your guided biopsy.
tony96045 dave08450
Hi Dave, having the biopsy in 2 weeks time, just trying to ascertain whether the 3T MRI (which is supposed to be 2 times clearer/better than the 1.5) can tell the difference between malignant or benign "somethings".....clutching at straws really
Thanks for the reply
stewarta tony96045
Even a 3T MRI cannot definitively say whether a small lesion is PCa or not. Been there, done that.
tony96045 stewarta
Hi Stewart, you've answered my question.....I'm hoping that this small "something" is benign but was under the impression that the 3T machine was "all knowing"....Got to get what I'm given biopsy wise (I'm in the UK under the NHS) but hopefully they'll be able to target it better using the image from the MRI
Thanks for taking the time to reply
stewarta tony96045
Your results will be fine.
tony96045 stewarta
dave08450 tony96045
tony96045 dave08450
Cheers Dave, Thanks for you negativity....Perhaps this isn't the place for you......Thought of joining The Samaritans?
dave08450 tony96045
Sorry Tony, I was only saying that the biopsy will hopefully show what is or might be there, and we can't tell until that is done, that's all. Being positive is important of course, but it also helps to be aware of all possibilities...I wish I had known more at the time, that's all! I'll keep quiet. Certainly just relying on PSA is tricky. Mine was 13, yet my brother, who was diagnosed just before me, had a very low psa. So I am just saying the actual biopsy result will hopefully put you right. I hope yours is ok!
tony96045 dave08450
Hi Dave, My apologies to you too....I'm just a bit on edge at the moment is all
dave08450 tony96045
Tell me about it!! It can all get a bit first post surgery psa was great, then you wait till the next one etc. It's all a waiting game. Life eh?!! Very best wishes to you Tony.
tony96045 dave08450
No Problems Dave.....I'm very annoyed with myself at the moment....because I dragged my feet hoping for a clear MRI I avoided the biopsy, and now I find I still have to have a biopsy and wait another 4 weeks before I finally find out anything.....This could have all been done this week, if I hadn't cancelled.....My fault....Like you say it's the waiting that's the hard part......Like the Buddhists say "Life is Hard"
Best wishes
dave08450 tony96045
But Tony...don't panic....not much wrong happens over these weeks. It's very slow growing. It's important to get it right and then take your time over any decision.