How bad and how long can an IBS flare up last?
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Hi All
Just after some fellow IBS sufferers experiences during a flare up to compare with my latest flare up, which was quite a bad one for me. For your information I suffer with IBS-A (alternating) but I generally suffer more with IBS-C symptoms, although I generally feel worse when I experience bouts of IBS-D.
My latest flare up started Wednesday evening and only now do I feel like I'm starting to get back to normal, so that makes a total of about 3 days. My flare ups tend to last anywhere between 3 to 10 days, so the length of time this latest one has gone on for seems quite normal for me, I'm wondering if this sounds like a normal length of time to experience a flare up?
The more worrying issue is how my flare ups actually make me feel. When they hit the reaction is usually quite quick to come on, I get very bloated and burp a lot, I also get a lot of sharp, random abdominal and chest pains and cramping. I also get this lump feeling in my throat and I physically feel like I'm struggling to draw breath. My heart rate tends to increase, and I also get this dizzy, lightheaded, wobbly feeling come over me in waves, I also feel like I could just fall asleep at any moment. My flare ups really do make me feel really unwell, and at points very worried. I'd be very grateful to hear experiences of others IBS flare ups, and to hear whether the symptoms I experience are likely to be the result of my IBS flare ups?
Many thanks in advance.
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sam18386 paul75665
Oh dear that sounds awful! You have IBS and something else to deal with on top. IBS should as far ss i know affect your bowel and stomach. Ard you sure you're not getting panic attacks on top? It sounds like it from what you describe in your comments on here. You may need to get support for those because panic, stress and anxiety will worsen your IBS symptoms. Not essy but doable. Good luck.
pippa58442 paul75665
You are experiencing standard symptoms of IBS. An increased heart rate, dizziness and shortness of breath can be triggered by anxiety which often accompanies flare ups. However, no one person is the same as another with IBS; it is a very individual condition. There is no typical length of time for an IBS attack to,last. I had it constantly for three and a half months due the anxiety of waiting for a diagnosis. I have also had it for days or sometimes only a few hours. Symptoms can also change from flare up to flare up, If symptoms change, this can cause a lot of anxiety. Symptoms tend to be more severe and prolonged when you are anxious. Upper digestive tract symptoms are also common such as a lump sensation in your throat and chest pain. The key is to try to stay as calm as possible which will help to reduce the length and severity of your flare ups. IBS can leave you exhausted.
moonpig paul75665
hi paul. i am unsure how long flare ups last ad i havent noticed a pattern in mine. i fart a lot (my family on my dads side fart a lot haha) and just last year i use to experience something similar to your chest pains. i thought it was my heart! shortness of breath and i felt my heart beat increase and chest pains. i went to my gp who said i should slow down eating and cut down on caffine. he sent me for an ECG which came back all clear. i since have not had any mote pains, though i feel my blood pressure increase when drinking alchohol. GP told me i had acid reflux which, if im not mistaken, can be a symptom of IBS? i cant be 100% sure on that though. im classed as IBS-D 😦 i dont poop that often but i am worse first thing in the morning maybe need to go x2-3 times. i also get waves of dizzyness and light headed but unsure if thats linked to IBS ive never looked into it.
pippa58442 moonpig
Reflux can be a symptom of IBS and so can dizziness. Not everyone will experience these symptoms because IBS varies from person to person. I have read this.
Thank you all so much for your responses, they have certainly helped me understand that the symptoms I get seem to be linked with IBS.
I did forget to mention that on top of the symptoms I mentioned, my digestive system churns and gurgles a lot, and sometimes I get feelings of bubbles popping in my bowels, it feels like I have a mouse running around in my insides. I also get a feeling of someone poking me with a blunt object in random areas around my abdomen. I have also been diagnosed with Anxiety, which could account of the lump in throat and shortness of breath. My doctor did say that I must try to relax as much as possible during flare ups, the more anxious I get the more adrenaline I will produce. Adrenaline is good in a fight or flight situation, however if it is just sitting there in my body doing nothing, then it is likely to make symptoms feel even worse. I do feel myself start to panic a bit when I feel at my worst.
sunflowerseed paul75665
The lump in the throat, belching and shortness of breath are definitely GERD or reflux, i get that a lot. Plus it often feels like i have champayne bubbles all over my chest area and sometimes i feel something is stuck all the way down my breastbone area. no matter how often i get it i think its a heart attack that lasts somestimes a week or two. i have found drinking a warm glass of water with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar makes me feel 90% better.
moonpig paul75665
i use to get the gurgling feeling and stomach churning and it would be loud sometimes. i found that it happened when i had milk so ever since i stopped taking it the noises and gurgling has stopped. it could be a certain food doing this to you. hope this helps 😃
paul75665 sunflowerseed
Thanks for the reply Sunflower.
Its funny you should mention GERD / Acid Reflex as when these problems started to occur, the first doctor I saw said it was likely to be acid reflux. Unfortunately he retired not long after my problems started, and this seems to have been forgotten about with my current doctor who seems to think I have Crohns Disease even though all the numerous tests, endoscopies and colonoscopies I've had in the last few years have produced normal results.
Does you GERD / reflux cause you to feel like your heart is beating through your chest? I just had a 5 second bout of this and its very worrying. My heart rate is fine throughout it, averaging at around 70bpm. I also get odd feelings in my throat, not just the lump feeling. It feels like my throat is experiencing what could be best described as a muscle strain type pain, sometimes I also get a hot, gassy feeling in my throat and it can feel sore on occasions. Do you experience any of these?
paul75665 moonpig
Thanks for your suggestion Moonpig.
I have to say that I've already played with my diet so many times that I don't think food is an influencing factor in my problems. My symptoms occur very randomly, and I've never been able to pinpoint a food or a pattern to when they come on. All I can say it feels and sounds like my digestive system goes into overdrive every now and again, but why is a total mystery.
Thank you for yor comments though, much appreciated.
sunflowerseed paul75665
i havent experienced a muscle strain feeling, but i so get a burning gassy feeling that seems to encompass my entire neck and jaw. try the ACV (the raw the states Bragg is the best, if youre elsewhere i dont know) i think youll find it helps, be sure to use almost hot water, cold water seems to make it worse, if you dont like the taste, add honey, which is also good for you.
pippa58442 paul75665
Stress and anxiety can trigger IBS flare ups instead of food. I don't have IBS food triggers; stress and anxiety is my cause.
helen_69456 pippa58442
Pippa, I also have IBS and I also have anxiety stress and panic attacks so I also think that my anxiety is a cause of my IBS. so I just have to learn to not worry and stay calm at all time which can be
pippa58442 helen_69456
Stress sets my IBS off too; it's such nuisance!
sam18386 pippa58442
i agree!
pippa58442 paul75665
A gurgling stomach and gas is part of IBS. I have had gas from both ends and the mouse running about in my insides feeling too.
sam18386 pippa58442
Do you know the expression too much information? Thanks that paints s lovely picture! You can't tell him that, you'll scare the poor man.
paul75665 pippa58442
Thanks for the reply Pippa, and reassuring to know others experience much the same as I do. One of the weird things about my symptoms is the fact that I don't really ever feel bloated, but feel a lot of nausea. Then, without warning, I'll produce a load of burping that alleviates the nausea feeling. I've now taking it upon myself to try and bring up wind as much as I can, and usually it helps a lot. Its only when I get these really bad moments as I'm having at the moment, that everything I try to do doesn't help. Still, just give a few more days and I should get back to feeling somewhat normal.
pippa58442 paul75665
I have had nausea too with my IBS if the pain gets bad.
pippa58442 sam18386
I think he was probably more relieved that others have had the same symptoms as he gets. He was describing these symptoms in a similar way to how I described them. The little mouse sensation is exactly the way I would describe it too.
sam18386 pippa58442
Oh i see,. I was just worried he'd be a bit concerned about this! Maybe you dud explain the same way he felt, i have not been well excuse me.
pippa58442 sam18386
Don't worry!
sam18386 pippa58442
Thanks Pippa, just not felt right and everytime I now get ill it hits all my confidence, strength and stomach. I 've just about have enough. Tried to fill an application form in after being pushed to do it from my family and I don't even want to do the job. Why do they interfere? I'm sick of them! The poem is by Philip Larkin called they fxxx you up! (And no that's not a joke, it's the actual title). IF I find it and discover how to send it to you then I will do that.
pippa58442 sam18386
I was always getting pushed into job hunting even though I knew I couldn't pass the interviews. I'm sure the stress of it eventually led my IBS. Sorry you've not been well. If you find the poem you could always send it via private message.
sam18386 pippa58442
I was talking about how nice a friend you were to someone else. I think if my family might rethink this because once again i am ill, i won't tell my mother all she'll do is moan. I give up maybe my family would be more use staying out of my health problems. Your support is good to have. What do you think of Christmas? It's tough for me to think about as my dad isn't here.
pippa58442 sam18386
I love Christmas. I really enjoy the carols, putting up the crib and decorations, buying presents and midnight Mass, the climax of it all.