How bad do your emotions get? Do you ever feel confused/disorientated during PMS?

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Is anyone willing to share how "bad" they get during PMS?  We're having a really hideous time this month cry? Horrendous emotions/sweats/shakes/nausea/confusion and disorientation.  Ovary "pounding" the entire time throughout these symptoms.  Is this something that anybody else experiences?  It seems to be at its worst between ovulation and period. I don't know how to make this better cry

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I am in post menopause. But, I remember those mixed and confusing feelings along with pain. If I could do it over, I would have started my exercising and deep breathing a whole lot earlier in life. Have you talked to your doctor? If not, if it was me I would mainly for support. She or he just might needto check you out, then have a pep talk with you.
  • Posted

    It sounds to me like you are Progesterone intolerant.  I have been, all of my menstual life, but only found out what was causing it since being put on HRT because of the menopause.   All great until I have to to start taking the Progesterone each month, then all of the PMS symptoms come back.   Professor John Studd has done a lot of research on this, also there is a book called I blame the hormones.  Good luck with finding a solution. x
    • Posted

      Hi Maxine

      Thanks so much for your reply. What you say makes complete sense, but she's never had any of these symptoms prior to Perimenopause. If she were progesterone intolerant wouldn't she have experienced this during a previous cycle before PM? Also, could the symptoms occurring at this particular time of the cycle be high oestrogen rather than intolerance to progresterone?!? Sorry for the questions - this is just a total minefield and bloody nightmare to be honest x

    • Posted

      If she hasn't had the symptoms before, then maybe not.  It could be the imbalance or lack of hormones.  Read up on Professor John Studd's findings. Also there is a book called I blame the hormones. x

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