How can this all just be anxiety?

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All week i have felt so dizzy with numbness on my left side especially on my nose/nostril. My mind just feels foggy and sometimes i don't know who i am. My doctor doesn't seem concerned i have had blood work done and everything is fine. I have it everyday like i'm going to fall but i never do. I feel totally out of it half the time. Also an emptiness in my chest like it's not there does anyone else have this feeling? how did learn to control it? any advice would be great. x

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4 Replies

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    Rebecca I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m actually going through that right now. It creates so many symptoms for me including the lightheadedness. I’ve been battling this situation for a very long time. Doctors really can’t do much besides prescribe anti-anxiety medication. It’s very frustrating for sure. I think that when there’s really nobody that can truly help us, we have to come up with ways to ease the anxiety ourselves. Of course there’s always counseling but the day-to-day is really up to us to figure something out which is sometimes difficult.

    The only things I can say that I do or eat healthy and definitely avoiding sugars, caffeine, junk food etc. Those all create inflammation within the body that can worsen symptoms.

    i also try to exercise several times a week to get the endorphins going in the brain. and find time for a relaxing meditation which is really good for anxiety. I do hope you start to feel a little better soon. You are definitely not alone and remember that none of these symptoms from anxiety are harmful but they are definitely annoying. Take care of yourself ❤

  • Posted

    I think the brain fogginess is the worst sensation. Are you a younger person? The reason I ask is that I had that happen to me in my 20s and 30s. Just wondering how common it is.

    • Posted

      Hi im 24 and i know i just can not seem to settle all the symptoms. Its always something new every week 😦 i'm great full for your advice and im glad im not alone feeling this way because i feel so horrible all the time especially the dizziness i feel like im not me. thanks for replying x

  • Edited


    I'm sorry I can't offer any advice but I can tell you that you're certainly not alone. I have all those symptoms and about 100 more of "just" anxiety. Every day feels like a battle to me 😭

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