How dangerous is hrt really?
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I'm 42 years old and hrt. It gave my life back and I'd like to use it long term. I'd like yours opinions about its safety and breast cancer risks. Your experience? I read a lot and there are a lot of conflicting views. Nice to hear from you! 🌹
2 likes, 42 replies
lisa67356 vicky77852
What are you taking I have just started on elessette duet 2mg after months of suffering with symptoms and not wanting to take HRT due to the cancer risks
I’m 43 and the GP said that those risks are very low it’s only when you are later in life they become high
vicky77852 lisa67356
Thank you for replying lisa! My gyn said the same but I'm afraid when I'll have to stop hrt later in life and how long I'll suffer then...
DaisyDaze vicky77852
Yeah, that's a scarey thought that when you are taken off it, how does that affect the body?
Erin_from_Calif DaisyDaze
Sochima822 vicky77852
Hi, chances of breast cancer are high if it runs in your family, being either prostrate or breast cancer. Depending on what hrt you're on, your doctor will determine how long you can stay on it. Some women here state they've been on it for 10 years which is a long time. If cancer runs in your family then you have that switch that tells your body that you may get cancer so with that being said you need to determine whether you want to take HRT for the long-term or just for the amount of time your doctor says so. If cancer doesn't run in your family then you don't need to worry about it.
vicky77852 Sochima822
Thank you Sochima! There is no breast cancer history at my family and every gyn said me different things! My first gyn didn't care at all and she gave me nothing. Another said me to use hrt for 5 years, another said forever and another said until 50. I think that we are guinea pigs for them...they don't know for sure!
Sochima822 vicky77852
As I mentioned earlier some women have taken HRT for up to 20 years others who were told to go off HRT after being in menopause but didn't want to go off because they were afraid they'd get all the symptoms of being in menopause so with this said you can be on HRT for a long time but it really depends on how your body reacts after you go off of it meaning you can get all the symptoms of perimenopause all over again if you get off of it too early. This is what happened to me when I was on HRT and I went off of it too early I got the symptoms a hundred times the normal I literally would soak the bed I had to change bed sheets and pajamas 2 to 3 times a night it was really bad, the dizziness, the foggy brain and the memory issues were just awful something I wouldnt want to wish on someone that was well meaning.
vicky77852 Sochima822
Sochima822 vicky77852
I have my moments, hot flashes can be irritating, sometimes i sweat to the point of having to change clothes or PJ's at times, but if it's gets really bad I take a tablespoon of vinegar. Thanks!
DaisyDaze vicky77852
Sounds familiar. I many times have felt like a guinea pig. Drs have to learn from pateints and experince. That's why their service is called a "practice."
DaisyDaze Sochima822
vicky77852 DaisyDaze
kelly55079 vicky77852
A couple friends of mine recommended a bio???? cream. They feel so much better! I was concerned about the risks; they said it was minimal and also what the above comments were saying. It's how long your on it and what runs in your family.
vicky77852 kelly55079
kris813 vicky77852
Can you tell me what were your symptoms that your life was so bad ?
vicky77852 kris813
kelly55079 vicky77852
Valerian Root I believe helps me relax before bed.. It is also known for anxiety. My spouse worries non-stop so his sleeping is affected. He has a low-dose sleeping pill that helps him sleep. When he takes it, I don't hear him moving around so much. I take collagen and I believe it helps in many aspects- even joint pain. For my hair- I try to take vitamins that are recommended, I have switch shampoos and don't wash my hair everyday. I will also use an egg mask with some oil.. I also have dry mouth and feel like I'm always thristy and putting on lip balm. I've been getting palpitations and that is scary because my BP has been going up too But it's another common thing with women our age so I try not to think about it too much. My kids are in HS and they are great kids so if I'm going to go I feel satisfied with what i've done. Also do you exercise? I find that when I exercise I do feel better but when I don't get to the pool (like X-mas break) I find that I ache more.. especially my hips.. It's odd but I think exercise does help. i used to get headaches all the time and still get them every now and then. I could never tell if it was sinus or not. So when I feel a twinge I use nose spray like crazy and also switch from IB's to sinus headache meds. And drink a ton of water then I find that this lessons the intensity of the headache. I also oil pull with coconut oil and I believe that this helps too. I get tired of all this stuff too.. I hate it.. And I think my memory is going because sometimes I will forget what I need to do. And another thing that I have to constantly reevaluate is my diet!! Always looking for the best food and things to try to get some weight off.