How do I know if I'm in perimenopause? Could it be contributing to my anxiety problems?
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My periods are lighter and shorter than they used to be but that change has been so gradual over the years I can't even pinpoint when it started. I also get more cramps than I used to but nothing terrible. I'm 45 so I would guess that I am in peri? The reason I ask is that recently I've been having a lot of symptoms that I've attributed to anxiety that I was having over, ironically, my health. But I've had instances of health anxiety in the past and it has never affected me as bad as this time. I don't see any sort of monthly pattern in my symptoms but could it be that my hormone levels sort of helped the anxiety take hold and make me really sick this time? I've got a lot of the symptoms that people describe on here: headaches, nausea, dizziness, internal vibrations, weakness, twitching, etc, for almost three months now. I've never felt this crappy in my life.
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christina81747 jaxx02045
i cant say for sure that your in peri but you are that age range all the symptoms you describe could just be anxiety but if you are in peri your hormones will be off and can cause all thise things too. have you been to doctor or done any blood tests to check your hormone levels and thyroid and such. i would got to gynocologist or endocronologist which i prefer the gyno has never done much for me but the endo will test it all
jaxx02045 christina81747
Thanks, Christina. I've had my thyroid checked (normal) but not other hormones. I mentioned my symptoms to my gynecologist when in for my annual but she did not think they were related to menopause so did not order any tests. I did have other bloodwork checked with my primary care doc and everything is normal. She thinks its anxiety and did prescribe sertraline and vitamin D. Hopefully that helps but I just wondered if perhaps my hormones were what allowed my nervous system to get this off balance in the first place.
andrea00523 jaxx02045
Hi Jo,
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through, I know how scary it is. I'm 55 years old & have suffered with anxiety since the birth of our son 28 years ago. It was one health issue after another, so many Dr. visits and tests along the way. My mind controls me rather then me controlling my mind-it's exhausting. I've been on medication for years, I did not create my brain chemistry, I was born with it. My peri and presently my menopause- has taken my fears to the next level. It has affected my husband, our son and daughter. However, there have been great times in between the madness.
I do a lot of deep breathing & if I was smart I'd be exercising once a day to raise the serotonin levels.
My saving grace is the business my husband & I own, it gives me a routine and less time to think about what disease will take me down.
I truly understand what you're going through & I'm here to listen. XO
jaxx02045 andrea00523
Yes, I was wondering if being in peri might be causing my ramped up anxiety. Like I said I've had health anxiety about other things in the past but this time led to scarier symptoms.
Thank you, it is nice to know I'm not alone.
sunaina1983 jaxx02045
Helloo mam
Its difficult to know you r in peri at starting...saying this with my horrible experience.
After 2 years i came to know its body is changing .
let me share my experience with u regarding this.
In Starting years my periods become little lighter....i didnot pay attention much.....not much other symptoms at that time..busy in job and home.....sometimes knee pain , neck pain sometimes headaches month one or 2 day. i thought i change city and job soo may be its effected my body..
After 2 years my headaches increases i start feeling head pressure and dizziness and knocking feeling in head..went for walk and my legs start shaking, dizziness and feel very uncomfortable ......its difficult for me to come back home....then in eve i went to Dr ..he check my BP ..its sky high..He gave BP medicines and told to do some test..Sugar,Iron , lipid profile etc....My Cholesterol level is high...he gave medicines 2 or 3 months i didnot notice much health become more worse......i search in net..i came across this with friends...discuss my symptoms...then i realise it may be Peri period still lighter i start missing few ....i went to see gynecologist ..discuss with my Gyne ......she did few test..FSH and others ...All r normal..none of test show hormones imbalance..... she told r too young for peri...Its PCOD.....and for head pressure and headaches consult Neurologist ...and told me to go Neuro Dr ...i went there ..he did MRI for knocking and thommbing pain in one point in head..and headaches..Thank God MRI and other test came normal...he told your depressed and think alot ..take alot tensions.....gave me sleeping pills and anti depressions medicines....... Still my health is same no improvement...then after few months my periods become heavy and closer..i start feeling internal legs become jelly like...not able to walk in home...sometimes shaking was soo much that other people can see...its difficult for me to stand for 5 min in same place......i discuss all this in forum..and many suggest its may be peri symptoms and ur not alone..sometimes FSH levels donot confirm its peri........AT THAT TIME I TOLD MYSELF ITS PERI STARTED AND MY BODY IS CHANGING......thats y soo many symptoms...I read 66 symptoms here in group..facing more than 40 ....i left my job..HOMEBOUND nature fully change..become introvert ....gained alot of weight
Dizziness ,Head pressure, leg weakness ,shaking , mood swings, jelly legs,stiffness in hands in night and many more things i am facing every day.
Every time i feel depress i told myself my body is changing..i am not alone.Hang is there.This shall pass
This Group is BLESSING for me..Sometimes my family members donot understand me how i am feeling..what i am going through..but here ladies advise me..Make me feel good...Thank you all
So dear with blood test its very difficult to tell your in peri or not .
Dr donot have much knowledge about it..they keep you giving sleeping pills or anti depression medicines....
Listen to your body.....check your symptoms..note them......Take rest..Have good diet..Peri is part of woman life..... hard Phase of life..will pass..Hang is there
Lots of Live
jaxx02045 sunaina1983
Thank you so much for the support, Sunaina. I haven't missed any periods yet but I do suspect I may be into peri a couple of years. Prior to my current barrage of symptoms I just realized that I have had random dizziness for the past year. I do accept that I also have anxiety so I hope the anti-depressants help me out and my peri symptoms go back to being more tolerable.
sunaina1983 jaxx02045
Good Luck for your journey mam.
Hang is there .
sunaina1983 jaxx02045
Lots of Love **
girlfour jaxx02045
Yes menopause can make you feel very strange don't worry just go to your doctor and he will take some blood and tell you whether or not your hormones are moving towards menopause don't worry we all go through this crazy crap and we all get through it you'll be OK. Hope you feel better.