How do I tell my parents I think I have cancer?
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Hi! I’m a teenager who had a lump on the knee for 5 months and has been experiencing aches around that knee and higher up in the leg. I can’t exactly pinpoint a location. In the last 24 hours the aches have gotten sharper. Bone cancer pain is supposed to get worse over time, so I’m convinced that’s what it is.
I know I have to tell my parents about this ASAP. I just don’t know how. What type of approach should I use? And how do I convince the doctor that I need it scanned? And lastly, how do I deal with seeing my loved ones reactions to my potential diagnosis?
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Quihadi4 milky79737
My suggestion is to tell one of your parents and suggest a complete blood count. It could be a multitude of things causing it. Your doctor will tell you if you need further testing. Take everyone's input - but make your own decisions. The doctors do not have the final say - you do. If it turns out serious, get a second opinion. I had 19 oncologists and 19 blood transfusions before I beat my blood cancer. Stop looking at things like it's a death sentence. Jesus is the Great Physician. Get Him involved.Take care - Quihadi (kwe-ha-dee).
dylan73614 milky79737
Your over reacting it's no the cancer. It's very unlikely you have cancer at your age. Now I don't know what your family history is with cancer, but if your family has a history.. I still wouldn't be worried about it. You may have just bumped it on something and are stressing over nothing about it. Wish the best to you and good luck!
connie45447 milky79737
As a parent, you need to tell your parents about the lump and pain in your knee. I would be very upset with my children if they had a concern and did not tell me about. Just tell them, mom and dad, I have had a lump in my knee for the last 5 months. It hurts, but lately it has been getting worse. I am concerned and I think I need to see a doctor. Let the doctor diagnose you. Self diagnosis is not a good idea. Let the doctors conduct their tests and come to their own conclusions.
I believe that Jesus can heal you. I am not sure of your faith, but Jesus is a healer and I have witnessed many miracles. Pray in the name of Jesus.
Let us know what happens. Take care and God Bless!
JoyKF53 milky79737
Hi. First things first. Self diagnosis is not very reliable, only a doctor can tell you what is wrong, if anything, with your leg. Secondly, by delaying getting a proper diagnosis, you're not only putting yourself under undue stress by worrying about something that may not need worrying about, but, if there should be something wrong you are delaying treatment. As a parent I know how upset I would be if my child had been worrying themselves silly rather than coming to me for advice. Trust me, your parents will take this in their stride and make sure that you get any help that you may need. Go to them and tell them that you have had a painful lump on your knee for a while now and could they help you get it sorted out. They won't hesitate! Let me know how you get on.
ChristinaMack milky79737
staspena94 milky79737
Like I said, I am not trying to scare you but please get it checked out.
courtnay26 milky79737
It is your knee, why would cancer be in your knee?
I could be wrong of course but
It may not be cancer
Have you noticed other symtoms like
General weakness, night sweats
I have no experience with this either way
But cancer is very serious and your right
It could be in your leg
Best to have certain tests done
Like platelet and wbc count
If these are high, you could have an infection
Or cancer
Lastly, have you travelled anywhere
You want to rule out tropical diseases as well
All the best
betterMonica milky79737
Dear milky7973, you should calmly and completely honestly tell them about your lump on the knee. Don't say the word CANCER. Just ask them to go to the doctor ASAP and a doctor will determine the exact cause of your pain for sure without your suggestions for further analysis.