How do u deal with not being able to breath
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last night and few times before that all of a sudden I feel like I can't get enough air in. it feels like I will stop breathing. and my body goes tingly. my mouth feels dry. I feel like cant hear that my head is numb and my face around my mouth has a warm heat sensation on it. I feel like i will faint. immediately I checked my 0xygen levels and they were 99 I felt like my body wasn't getting any oxygen. ... how do u deal with that. is it anxiety or panic attacks. it don't feel like it ðŸ˜
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jan34534 rachel_35350
it’s our unwelcomed pest called anxiety. remember, when you tell yourself something is wrong you’re going to get those symptoms. What we think is extremely important!
first of all, you will not stop breathing. Breathing is an automatic function. Any symptom of anxiety cannot and will not hurt you., Even though it feels uncomfortable.
something that would be very helpful for you is bringing down your anxiety level.
here are some suggestions
listening to some meditations for body scan for anxiety, general relaxation meditations, etc. when you have some time to yourself, do this and do it regularly. Find them on YouTube.
when we have anxiety, we don’t breathe properly and then we get the sensations that you are feeling. listen to some meditations for breathing. It teaches you how to reduce anxiety through your breath.
something that really helped me a lot is listening to therapy in a nutshell. She is excellent! People comment on how she has helped them tremendously with anxiety and panic.! if you can’t get any counseling, this is an excellent way without having to leave home.
take action. Get some support if you can.
You Are Safe.
rachel_35350 jan34534
Jan did u ever get a feeling that ur chest was pounding all over and felt like when it was happening that you couldn't talk. and felt out if breath. and also feel like u were gonna go unconscious ? I was in the grocery store a while ago and my ears started making this drilling sound and i felt like i was gonna pass out. i literally feel so light. and Im still so scared of this cauda equina syndrome. my mum says thatbits my hormones all over the place and trying to get back to normal after the baby and that this is the reason I'm feelkmg all these things. and tht this is why I'm feeling anxiety but it's so so bad like I feel like no1 understands how severe it is for me right now 😞
bernipes rachel_35350
Hi, Rachel!
When I feel this way, I sit down, take a deep breath, hold it for about 10 seconds, and slowly let it out. I do this about 5 times. Sometimes I feel a little dizzy when I do this, so I always sit down first, but usually I feel better afterwards.
Maybe you should also take your blood pressure to see if this is the reason for this feeling.