How do you come to terms with having Gerd.

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I have only had it significantly for a relatively short time now get some problems after I eat but mainly at night when the acid comes back up my throat. I now have aconstant mild sore throat and cough. How on earth do you know what to take all the advice both from drs and fellow sufferers is different. I took omeprazole for a short while only three days but it didnt agree with me bad stomach ache so I came off it had also had no effect in that time, probably not long enough. But my gp says that if you ttakePPIs as soon as you come off them the problem returns. Now taking advance gaviscon ( which bizarrely is peppermint flavour) and if this doesnt help ( and it isnt very much) ranitidine which is also an acid suppressant but less powerful than PPIs.which I havent tried yet as quite honestly I am worried about side effects etc. I am on a strict diet have raised my bed somewhat by putting pillows under the mattress dont eat for 2-3 hrs before bedtime. No alcohol caffeine etc. Worried that I may get cancer.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Linda

    There is no point worrying that you will get cancer, it is a never ending hamster wheel ride, I know.

    Peppermint has anti inflammatory properties. I think it is a matter of trial and error, and I don't think your doc will let it go to the extremes of casing anything serious.

  • Posted

    Look up GERD foods to avoid / eat online. There are plenty of sites. I get mild heartburn due to gallbladder problems.
  • Posted

    Hi Linda

    I am still very new to this myself and have to have camera down the throat next week to see if I can find out more. But in mean time I seem to have good days and bad days. I find certain food definitely do cause more discomfort than others so I hve been tryin to cut out the following: chocolate - I was having this every night wih cup of tea and feeling horrible in the morning so definitely try cutting out chocolate if you can. Onions - these are a no no for me. Tomatoes and tomato based foods. Black pepper - even just seasoning I leave out now. I have also cut down on alcohol almost completely. In general I try to eat as much home made food as posible nothing out of a jar or packet. This seems to have really helped me and hope helps with you.

    Good luck.

  • Posted

    Thank you for the responses. Terry do you have problems with acid regurgitation at night.? I think I notice it

    particularly because I do not sleep very well in any case . Keep waking up and cleaning my teeth!!!

  • Posted

    I only get the occasional acid reflux. When I do I normally take few gulps of the strong Gaviacon (pink bottle) and normally helps. I know it's probably not the case if your feeling the way you are but I know if I over eat at all I get bad indegestion/acid reflux but I hve always had this. Maybe try eating little and often if you don't already.

    Like I say I'm no expert these are just the things I try to do. Hope you feel better real soon. 👍

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