How do you cope?
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I am having panic and anxiety attacks through the roof! With hot flashes and feel like heart pounding sweats all all over nervoness feeling these attacks are very scary and hard to get through and have been lasting off and on throughout the day how do you all cope with these attacks? I am on no meds at all. I have no support so getting through is rough . what can I take naturally and would sipping wine help? please responde as quickly as possible thanks
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cindy1957 Guest
You're not alone, this website you'll be reading pretty much all the same symptoms you're dealing with. See your doctor, maybe they can help give you something. It does help knowing you are not alone, many others just like you right here. And write anytime, someone will answer you and make you feel a little bit better too. Good luck! I know how you're feeling, totally.
Azzumi Guest
lena53512 Guest
maria76995 Guest
Hi Crosado, you will cope with it all I did still will stop and subside with time, I know how you feel it does drive you crazy, hormones scares you but can't do you nothing it ain't nice to know one...but you will get better.
cindy1957 maria76995
Maria you seem to know about menopause so you must have gone through it already? My biggest problem is anxiety, fatigue, a new one, so upper part of my left breast,must be all menopause Oh and of course the BMS BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME! Any vitamins help with your menopause? I need to be careful, I'm on bp and clonazepam, so natural is what I need. Anything to help with the anxiety and fatigue would make me a little more relaxed. I had a partial hysterectomy 26 or so years ago,so just a test done in 2008 FSH test at 49.8 and one done in 2015 was 77.4 or something like. Help with Fatigue, anyone!!!
maria76995 cindy1957
Hi Cindy, I still going through it from 50, but it's a trying time for all of us and we will all get through it, I don't take nothing for it because hormones more powerful then meds or vitamins but who wants to try go head to help themselves because I know it's a FSH was 100 high don't know what is now my periods not completely finish yet but take it all in my stride.
cindy1957 maria76995
Yeah maria I don't want to take meds either but thought maybe vitamins might help, heard maybe b12 and b6 were good. I'm 60 now and l sure hope the end of mine is near, you would thinknow since 2008 when my FSH readings were already Addy 49.8. I Haye the fatigue, you get that too and foggy had, kind of light headed feeling, any breast pains, is that normal seeing I hag that hysterectomy years ago, I have no clue how long this will last!
lisa99975 cindy1957
I've read in a lot of posts that burning mouth is part of menopause. I did not think I had any pre menopause symptoms a few years back. They told me my labs show it now. But three years ago almost 4 years I developed horrible burning mouth it was absolutely awful. Along with it a geographic tongue and it was the worst feeling. I had some concoction the ENT gave me it helped while it took it but when it was done they burning came back. I learned to just live with it and then it subsided some what. Occasionally it still comes back. Do you have any remedies for it?
cindy1957 lisa99975
Yes that burning tongue lip area is awful. I've read up on it and also learned it can be part of menopause. What I've read up about maybe helping it is and I am trying this now and seems to be helping. B12 1500 mcg disolving pill under my tongue every morning, I use baking soda to brush my teeth after I've eaten anything, pure regular baking soda that you bake/cook with. I also put vaseline on my lips in between brushings and at bedtime, also seems to be working! Good luck with yours keep me posted on is these help you at all. I've been doing it now for two weeks.
juliekw45 Guest
I had anxiety so bad I didn't know if I could get through the day. I was shaky and nervous and could not stop my mind. I felt like I was on the verg of an anxiety attack. I could not sleep at night. I am 54. I had this along with weak muscles and all over body aches. I felt I could barely stand and walk. I thought I had a terrible disease. Then on doing reading I read about menopause and thought maybe that's what's wrong with me. I went to my gynecologist and he gave me EstroGel to rub on my arm every day and also pedesterone pill to take. About 8 days later I started to feel relief. It will be / weeks tomorrow and I feel like a. different person than I did 2 weeks ago. My anxiety is just about gone and my muscles and joint feel much better. Life as it was was terrible so this is so much better. There is also another procedure that I've heard about and it is very small hormone pellets that are put under your skin. It is more natural and safer. It's called BioTek. See if you can find some info on it. There is a place in Michigan near where I work that does it. I may try it next year. Figured I would do what I'm doing now for the time being as I feel really good now. Good luck.
Twizzle3 juliekw45
Nita1960 Guest
like everyone here says, you are not alone. Good advice, see a Gp, one that understands what you are going through. My Gp gave me clonidine, its for blood pressure but can be used for hot flashes. It reduced mine to about 4 or 5 a day. Wine makes my flashes come on and pounding heart, so not advisable. My Gp gave me antidepressants, they are still in drawer, I don't want to become dependent on these they take a long time to stop taking them and cause other symptoms. Keeping active helps. I never thought the menopause would be so debilitating. Am only 56 and feel 90 some days. Aching back, hips, knees etc. Wow!!!! Who'd be a woman ????
pinkcatfairy Guest
I had anxiety bad and panic attacks, caffeine made it worse! I try to swim when I can as this helps (even though in the beginning I found it hard because I used to panic even doing that) lack of sleep makes it worse so I go to bed abit earlier too. Since taking multi vit for over 50's I feel alot better than I did, I think lack of magnesium can cause these symptoms too x
The_fab_five Guest
I also suffer from anxiety attacks, and they are very overwhelming. .I started when I lost my parents clise together about 25 yrs. Ago.and no amount of counseling or alcohol could control them..I have been taking anxiety meds since,,and feel I live a very normal life,,don't try to do it on your own...meds help, ..and during my perimenopause symptoms I was temp. Placed on 20 mg. Of paxil, It STABILIZED myMood swings..I Hoped THIS helped...I dont Feel YOU Win any Medals FOR Trying To Fight anxiety or panic attacks on your own without meds...only affects your quality of life..we become so fixated on if we're going to die, that we forget to enjoy living..