How do you deal with anxiety physical symptoms

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I've been struggling to accept these all as anxiety symptoms as they don't appear to be normal symptoms in my eyes.

I've had endoscopy, ent specialist, chest xrays, ct scans and blood tests and all came back clear. I'm still not convinced 18months down the line it's all anxiety since i feel to so rubbish on a daily basis. I just want to feel normal and happy again instead of everyday been a challenge. I started antidepressants 9weeks ago to see if it helps.

Does these symptoms seem normal?



Flushed face

Hair loss

Ear pain

Sore teeth

Sore throat

Lump in throat

Taste bud change/burning mouth

Throat clearing

Back pain

Weak arms and legs

Numbness and tingling in hands and legs all over body


Shortness of breath

Chest/tightness & discomfort

Pounding heart

Lower back pain

Stomach pain

Rib pain/ tension/ stitch feeling

Pelvic pain


No motivation

Lack of sleep

Shin pain

Weight loss/ lack of appetite

Twitching in right eye

Blurry vision


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7 Replies

  • Edited

    i have all of these except weight loss (the only one I would actually like to have). I have had an anxiety disorder for 30 years and my symptoms come and go and peak when I am in "crisis". When your body becomes hyper-stimulated it takes a LONG time for your symptoms to go away. You can't just flip a switch. When I am ok I see things clearly and agree with what i just wrote. When things are bad it is a different story. I hear you. You will have better days ahead.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply, i think i had been suffering anxiety longer than the start of 2020 but it just came to a head then. I feel it's the physical symptoms that are holding me back but with what you have said about your body been hyper stimulated it's taking a long time for the physical symptoms to leave. I think i just need to focus on the positives and hopefully in time the symptoms will go xx

    • Posted

      You're very welcome! I am new to this site, but not new to the HA world, unfortunately. Do you think Covid contributed to your present state?

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      PS: your meds should kick in soon and you will realize you're feeling better.

    • Posted

      I certainly think covid hasn't helped in anyway and plays a big part in how I'm feeling. I'm having some good days but still a lot of bad days, the fatigue and no motivation is it. I've been to doctors umpteen times over the year which they keep saying it's anxiety, and nothing is shown up on my tests and blood tests are showing nothing sinister. Are you on medication? Do you have a way of learning to cope with the physical symptoms xx

    • Posted

      yes i am on medication (wellbutrin) and i have also been on prozac several times in my life. i think that the greatest collateral damage from covid worldwide is the detrimental impact to mental health. The ripple effect will be felt for years, maybe decades to come. It is responsible for a whole new generation of health (and general) anxiety sufferers, unfortunately.

      As far as coping with symptoms, I have good days and terrible days. I try to go back and read some of what i wrote years ago about my symptoms. It is amazing to see the similarity. If you haven't already, write down what you are feeling to refer to even in the short term. When you realize you've gone from one symptom to the next and you're not dead, that's telling you something.

    • Posted

      Yeah i agree with you with Covid and mental health, it's impacting a lot of people, i often wonder if life will ever be the same or is this our life now.

      I think that's a great idea writing everything down, I'll need to start to be honest I've had most of the same symptom for over a year and not got any worse and they can't find anything wrong with me 🙈 and even the doctor said the same your symptoms have not got any worse in that year.

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