How do you feel when waking up?
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I'm just wondering how you ladies feel when you wake up every morning? I was waking up with anxiety but now I'm waking up aching every morning , so much fatigue, and naseau. It feels like my bones aches all over especially during cold days. Then I've been having these cyst type hardness ( it feels like my bones) on my left lower back almost on butt area which is freaking me out. I brought it to a Dr attention in 2017 and he says he see it quite often..its called a cyst (except that one area is hard) and i can feel a soft like cyst in one area. The hard area feels like my bones are swollen but lumpy hard. I know I've lost alot of weight but I dont feel it on the other side. I started noticing it when I lost the weight. It does feel a bit achey too but my husb thinks it's just from me messing with it so much.
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sharcerv52408 mary27278
Yes I feel bad every morning when I wake up. In fact I feel pretty off throughout the day until evening that is when everything seems to simmer down. I get aches and pains in my lower left back right above my butt cheek. I feel anxious in the mornings. It is horrible. I feel better in the evenings but by then I'm tired and it's time to go to bed. So I muddle through the day.
Suki_girl mary27278
I also wake up aching. I feel like live aged 20 years overnight! I hobble out of bed like an 80 year old, back and joints aching and even find it difficult to put socks on. However, it seems to wear off as the morning progresses. Do you aches wear off as the day progresses? I had put it down to sleeping in awkward positions and age, but I'm not that old! Perhaps it is a menopause thing. Wouldn't surprise me as there are supposed to be 60 odd symptoms! Not sure about the cysts tho ....
kelly55079 mary27278
Most of the time I wake up like crap.. Don't know if it's because I have to get up at 6 to get kids off to school or what but it's very slow.I'm very slow down the stairs as I'm achy in my feet, knees and legs. Once they are off to school I go back to bed if I don't have to go to work (part-time). I used to be able to 'hop' right of bed but not anymore.. just feel old and slow. There are times that I get anxiety in the morning right before I need to get up-- this sometimes pushes me to the floor to do some leg lifts of something till the anxiety lifts.
Suki_girl kelly55079
yep! Crap is the word!
Nettie261962 mary27278
i get everything you mention above and more. It's awful. I also feel very weak and jittery in my legs, chest, neck and back, arms and hands.
tracy43395 Nettie261962
I too wake up with jittery legs and I feel like someone is sat on my chest. Also pins and needles in arms and legs.
sunaina1983 tracy43395
Same with me.
Shaking legs ..head pressure and week arm and legs.
After 8 hrs sleep i feel soo much tired .
Not feel like doing anything .
karen65574 mary27278
Wake up feeling anxious , heavy head , wobbly legs , nausea , and just tired even though ive slept !!!! isnt it just great for us ladies , and we have to get on and work and take care of children and our homes , we are deffo the stronger sex !!!!!!
Suki_girl mary27278
Here is the 66 symptoms of menopause FYI
These are very real physical changes and conditions. Some symptoms alarm a woman that she may be suffering from a serious disease. Perhaps you know the more common ones related to menopausal symptoms in this list. But many of these may surprise you, as they have not been typically associated with this normal physiological transformation.
mary27278 Suki_girl
thanks though I've seen it several times already I still cant shake these symptoms. unbelievable what hormones can do to you.
Mrsmull mary27278
must admit i went to see my lovely GP last week i can sleep 10 hours and feel like ive not even had 10 minutes just not myself i had endometrial ablation done 11 years ago so i havent had a period since then ( was 35 when i had it done) so ive been classed as perimenopausal for 8 years hes given me HRT patches and within a week im feeling so much better in myself a bit more energy i feel rested after sleep and im just a bit happier in myself ( suffer with anxiety and depression have done for years) so im keeping my fingers crossed
Suki_girl Mrsmull
I'm pleased you found something that works for you. My Auntie calls her HRT her happy pills! Here's hoping things continue to get better.
mary27278 Mrsmull
what patch are you using? My GYN. prescribed me the patch but i haven't decided to use it just yet.
Mrsmull mary27278
evorel conti are the patches im not and im amazed