how do you know if you have Anxiety?

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What exactly is anxiety?

how do you know if your suffering with it, I hear a lot about this!

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel for you. Ive been un perimenopause eight years. Currently four months with no period. Anxiety has been the worst symptom to deal with along with the palpitations.

    Im currently weaning off ny AD so its even worse!!!!!

    I constantly feel like I cant breath! !!

    Tight chest!!!!!

    Whats that all about. Its wearing me out.

    This week I feel like im on high alert.

    Constantly feeling I should go to emergency room at hospital in case there is something wrong.

    All the checks ive had before there is never anything wrong.

    I went to my gp last week. Told her my heart is racing and im toght chested. She examined me and found nothing! !!

    Seriously its driving me insane.

    Sorry for the vent ladies.

    Wishing you all well x

    • Posted

      Aww Michelle, you don't have to feel sorry for the vent. I totally understand. I went through the same thing you are going through. I still get the heart palps and my anxiety is really high when it's close to my menses which is irregular and it's driving me nuts. I must say the anxiety is the worst symptom for me also. With each ache, pain, heart palp, weird head, indegestion, and whatever else I get, has me constantly thinking something is going to happen to me. I've been just trying to fight the anxiety on my own. I practice trying to control my breathing, and talking myself through it .
    • Posted

      Yep im trying really hard to talk myself through it.

      Not having any period for four months I suppose makes the anxiety worse.

      Plus weaning off my AD.

      Hope you feel better soin.

      Its got to get better at some point biggrin

    • Posted

      Oh yeah that can be stressful in its self. Mines are so irregular, I just want it to go if it's going. It's freaking me out because this just started in a course of a few months. Hope you get some relief soon as well.
  • Posted

    Anxiety comes in many different forms, such as panic attacks, phobia, and social anxiety. Some common symptoms include hot and cold flushes, racing heart, tightening of the chest, snowballing worries, obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviour.
  • Posted

    yes, another one - clenching of jaws and grinding of teeth
    • Posted

      Yes that's one of mine, but the feeling of dread is the worse symptom .
    • Posted

      The feelings of dread is a hard one to shake. I suffer with that a lot.
  • Posted

    Hi, I would love to know how everybody is doing? Ihave this hormonal anxiety. I believe im in perimenopause.. pleasw update with whathas helped.

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