How I cleared my constant mucus in the throat
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Hi, I had suffered from throats mucus for 3 long years..... I have been to n number of doctors, one doctor diagnosed me with GERD, the other with chronic sinusitis and the other with parasites, I have been on antibiotics, PPIs, antihistamines, decongestants and the list goes goes on. Nothing...... I mean none of the above medications helped me.
Finally I started my own research and got a break through, it was DIGESTIVE ENZYMES...... which cleared my problem in 2 days time...... can you believe it. All the symptoms of throats mucus, acid reflux, indigestion just vanished.
I just wanted to share this as I know how one feels with this problem..... hopefully it will help some of u guys.
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Deemac7949 nithin87886
That thing about this ailment what's work for some does not for other. That also what's keeps doctors guessing. But I do use digestive enzymes how much do u take per day. Thanks for the post
nithin87886 Deemac7949
Deemac7949 nithin87886
nithin87886 Deemac7949
Deemac7949 nithin87886
Lolasmom nithin87886
nithin87886 Lolasmom
Lolasmom nithin87886
thomas96833 nithin87886
Thank you so much for this.
I have had this for two long years now and nothing has helped. PPI's, decongestants, elimination dieting, steriods, antibiotics, antihistamines my list of meds is endless AND ent's stumped.
I am currently getting an operation next week to fix a diviated septum and a cyst removed from my sinus to see if that helps - I do have a lot of sinus symtoms.
Can i ask, with this throat mucus, did you get any sleep trouble?
I can have a solid 8 hours and wake up exhausted and I swear it's because this mucus is blocking my airways all night. It's like a deep fatigue, eyes burning tired and it's got to be poor sleep quality doing it.
The doctor tells me it's anxiety and depression but I think that's just a cover for I don't know now...
nithin87886 thomas96833
Hi Thomas, it's very difficult to sleep and even if you do it's not a tight sleep as we need...... after we wake up we don't feel fresh at all.........
Deemac7949 thomas96833
l48934 nithin87886