How I cured my chronic fissure after 2 years+
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I have been free of my chronic fissure for over 3 years now after dealing with chronic pain for almost 3 years. It all started in 2009 when I began to have blood in my stool off and on for about 12 months. I didn't really think anything about it because it did not happen at every bowel movement. I was at the time working out a lot and eating a lot of protein and a lot of nuts and not alot of water which I think caused my issue turn into a chronic fissure. The first time the was at age 29, the fissure pain came was after about a year of the on and off anal bleeding after and I got constipated and noticed a sharp pain while using the bathroom that I had never felt. After going I noticed a lot of blood in my stool but just cleaned myself as normal and went back in my living room to watch some tv. About 15 min. went by and then for the first time I felt the severe pain of what I didn't yet know was a chronic fissure. (Found out a year later after visit to Mayo Clinic in Florida) The pain of a chronic fissure is unexplainable unless someone has ever had it. It feels like you are being stabbed in the rectum and I can understand any and all of the issues, pain, mental and physical problems it can cause for someone and there family. I would like to give my advise to others with this issue to help them quicker than what it took me because of my stubbornness that I originally had. A lot of what you hear from doctors and creams told to use will not work or only for a short period when you think the fissure is gone and then it comes back. I tried everything and read everything for a long period of time and what I found that worked was not the creams as much as my major change in diet and health. Mostly what eventually helped was a liquid diet, lots of vitamins, oils for a long period(I lost 60lbs) and eventually, gradually adding solid food to your diet. No strenuous body, muscle workouts so that your anal muscles are not strained in any way. There is a lot more that I did and took place but I would be typing for 2 more days. If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to help. If you have a fissure or a chronic fissure I want to let you know that you can heal it. You will have to be devoted to doing it and very very positive. I am a very positive person and I as well thought about how I did not know how I could continue my life if the pain would not stop. It will stop and you can heal your fissure.
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anna_sarah92736 bryan268
Six weeks after Botox surgery, I finally feel I'm heading in the direction of healing. It's been very 2 steps forward, one step back. I only just went off the pain killers today. Last week, though, I had some on and off bleeding with defecation, which alarmed me & showed me the fissure wasn't healed even if the pain was much less. So far, I've determined that I have to stay on the stool softener/laxative so that I absolutely don't push at all when pooping; any push leads to bleed for me at this point.
I was thinking how I'd like to get back to the gym, yoga, & pole fitness soon because I'm starting to feel better (though I don't think the fissure's healed yet). But I certainly don't want to interrupt the healing. I'd be interested in hearing how you reintroduced exercise & healed the fissure in the ways you mentioned above in your post.
bryan268 anna_sarah92736
chad40486 bryan268
purplepalmtree chad40486
take lactulose, I only take it once a day, in the evening coz my normal time I go is in the morning. it depends what your bowel movements are like, I dont suffer from constipation so my dosage was to make my every day poo super soft or even watery sounds gross but it's what you have to do. lactulose will only work if you drink water like it's going out of fashion at minimum 2 litres a day. it works by pulling water from your body into your bowels and making your poo soft.
nancy85247 bryan268
Hi Bryan,
How have you been with your fissures so far? I desperately need your help. I'm trying everything and it is quite debilitating. I workout out a lot and lift weights but I would try anything to not do surgery nor suffer. I'm very dedicated to healing myself naturally. Would you please tell me what's the main things you did that worked? How long did you do liquids? Other measures? Thank you.
purplepalmtree bryan268
I'm not joking this is exactly what I found helped is my diet, the less dense your poo the less pressure it puts on your rectum, I didnt do a liquid diet but I did try fasting as best I could and it helped just cutting down the amount of food I ate, and also being selective about the carbs I ate plus 2 liters plus of water a day which is hard to do. if taking lactulose you have to have a lit of water sk that it works, why they dont tell people this is beyond me. and you cant eat normal if you have a fissure its hurts like s**t. your also the first person who has said about how for a little after you poo you feel fine and then it hits you like a truck just agony after about 10 minutes after using the loo
mak14989 bryan268
Hey. thanks for the insight. I am intrigued as I am very frustrated. I recently when to the doc a d they saw a fissure. I've been on this treatment plan with sitz bath and creams for 3 weeks now...some relief but not healed. now just waiting for a cole surgeon to see me...
questions about your approach:
-what consists liquid diet? just water?
-what vitamins did you take?
-i workout alot...I have to stop this?
-how long did this take to heal using your approach?
thanks for your time