How I survived, researched, and overcame Trigeminal Neuralgia

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I'm going to tell my story so it will be kind of long, but has a great end ing..promise;-). In 2011, at age 29, I noticed a sharp pain when I brushed my teeth. At the time, like many others, I assumed it was dental related. I went to the dentist and they found nothing wrong. As the weeks went on, the pain started happening when I talked, brushed, washed my face, clenched my teeth, slept, smiled, if the wind blew hard, etc. It was the WORST pain of my life. It felt like an electric shock going off in my the left side of my face by my jaw. Sometimes the pain would be just a quick stab, and other times the pain would vibrate through my face and all I could do was stop all motion and wait until it passed. I would even wake up out of my sleep sometimes from the pain if I accidentally turned on my left side. The pain would last for weeks then go away for a week and I thought it was over. BIG MISTAKE! It came back with a vengeance.

After many painful days and nights, I started looking up my symptoms on the internet (yeah for Google) and the same diagnosis kept coming up..Trigeminal Neuralgia. I was confused because although my symptoms matched, it said that this disease usually showed itself in older individuals and I was only 29. I made an appointment with my physician and after cruelly poking my facing with his finger after I told him my symptoms, he confirmed that although it was rare for my age, I had TN. He prescribed me a steroid prescription and sent me on my way. No further explanation. If I had not already researched this, I would have been lost. So I took the pills, and besides making me gain a couple pounds, the pain remained. By now, I had researched so much about TN, I felt like an expert. I called my physician and asked to be referred to a Neurologist.

Long story short on this part, Before the Neurologist saw me , he sent me to get MRI which was clean so no MS and he spent all of three minutes seeing me, told me I had TN, gave me a prescription for TEGRETOL, and sent me on my way. No further explanation about my disease. He failed to tell me that the Tegretol would make me CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I am a teacher and the Tegretol had me so nuts, some days I couldn't even function. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and between the Tegretol and pain, I'm sure I was a pain for my child.

The Tegretol did help a little but I could not see myself having to live the rest of my life on Tegretol. It would have been HELL!!! I had already researched Gamma Ray treatment and surgery to cut skull open and put something in between nerve and blood vessel. Both did not appeal to me.

THIS IS WHEN IT GETS GOOD!!! I live in Alabama (US) and one day when I was researching, I saw that a Neurosurgeon in Birmingham, AL, Dr. Swaid N. Swaid does something called CYBERKNIFE TREATMENT. CYBERKNIFE is a non invasive radio surgery that is used to treat everything from cancerous and non cancerous tumors and TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA!!! It beams a high dose of radiation to the area that precisely goes to the spot needed. I felt like this was my only hope. I called to make an appointment and luckily, a referral was not needed since my Dr. and Neurologist were of no help. I went to see Dr. Swaid the next month and he was the first Dr. to sit down and explain exactly what I had and the treatment options. Because of my age, he thought the brain surgery was better but I told him that I would rather do the Cyberknife. The brain surgery, besides be invasive, would make me have to take 2-3 weeks to recuperate while Cyberknife, I would go into treatment 1-5 times, depending on my xray of my nerves and lay on the table for 45 minutes and left the robot do it's thing and get up and be just fine. No pain, no cutting!

Made my appointment for Cyberknife, went in to talk to Radiologist who told me Cyberknife was just as good as the invasive method. He actually drew me a picture to describe what was going on in my face and told me that I was suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia in my 3rd trigeminal nerve (the one by the lower jawline). After they looked at my

Xray, they decided I only needed one treatment. They made a mold of my face that is like a net they had to put on my face to keep me prefectly still. I laid on the table, listened to the music of my choice, and listened to the robotic arm buzz over my face for @ 40 minutes. Got up and was on my way. I was warned that the results would not be

immediate. The radiation slowly kills the nerve that is being affected. But month after month, sure enough, the pain became less and less. I went to see Dr. Swaid every 3 month for the next 9 months. He said by the 6th month, if the pain was gone, most likely it would be gone forever. The only side effect I have is that sometimes when I chew on that side of my face, because the nerve was killed, I get a little painless tightening in my jaw (like lock jaw) for a few seconds. I laugh because I'll take that anyday over TN and it only happens usually when I chew something really tough on that side

I have been pain free for about a year now but I'll never forget the worst part of my life. I encourage anyone dealing with TN TO DO YOUR RESEARCH and do what is best for you. If you have a Hospital that offers Cyberknife in your area, I encourage you to look into it. Never give up hope that you can't overcome this and know that there are others that have had to deal with this too....You DO NOT have to settle for taking medication for this disease for the rest of your life! RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH. God Bless!!!

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    Hello, I too, was diagnosed with tn at the age of 29. And I too, was told that I was too young for tn and had alot of dental work, alot of examinations and MRI's. Because I was still young, my doctor, Dr. Shetter @ Barrows Neurology Clinic in AZ. recommended MVD (cutting the skull and inserting tyflon in between the nerve and facial bone) I immediately signed on, I was in too much pain and didn't want to go on living with the pain. The surgery helped. This was 15 years ago, this August. This was on my right side of my face. I was just diagnosed with tn on my left side of my face.( having tn at the age of 29, is rare, I was told, but, having it on both sides, is even more rare) but, of course it happened yo me twice. I'm scheduled for surgery in five days, MVD again. I hope and pray this time it is as affective as the first time. I have noticed that fifteen years ago tn was not as common as it is now. Back then I rarely heard of anyone else having it, now it seems to be out there alot. My pain right now is minor triggers(electric shocks) some days I can have 10 triggers, and some days I can have 50 of them. My neurologist is Dr. Shetter and he will be the surgeon again, this second time around. I got lucky and happy to find out he was still in practice. And you are right, about finding a good doctor. A experienced one, at that. My doctor is very good when it come to tn. My advice to anyone with tn, find a doctor who knows about the illness, you will know that they do not know too much, when they just send you home with meds. They should sit yoy down and explain the disease to you and your options. From my experience tn starts off with minor pains and progresses to excruciating pain. Thats why I told my doctor at my first and only appt. to go ahead and schedule me for surgery.
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      Wow I can't imagine what it must feel like to get it on the other side of your face too. I hope the surgery goes well!
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      I'm a 20 year old who was diagnosed with TN a little over 2 years, after trying meds (tegrotol, lyrica, cymbalta) and finding no relief from it I went to the barrow clinic as well and was seen by dr. Spetzler who supposedly was the top surgeon there based off his prior work and studies with dr. Janetta, the creater of the MVD surgery. Unfournately for me the pain returned not even a month following the surgery so 10 months removed from that I am now back on cymbalta and now also Xanax to help deal with the terrible anxiety and side effects I get from the pain and the meds. This has been a terrible past couple years for me as I try to continue with college but have found it impossible to get medication here in West Virginia( I'm a student at WVU) because these so called doctors here have said word for word, "I can't give you these meds cause there is a high risk for abuse people your age", so now I am completely off my meds frantically trying to get an appointment with my original prescribing Doctor back home just so I can somewhat manage the pain.
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      Have you looked in to low level laser treatment for tnTN. I have read that people have had great success with it. It is non-invasive and FDA approved. You should look into it.

       I am truely sorry for all the pain and suffering you have had to endure. Especially at such a young age. It's not fair. You are in my prayers.

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      First, I want to say I'm sorry for taking so long to respond and I want to thank you for responding and being concerned about my surgery. It has been almost 8 months since my surgery and I have not experienced any more pain. It looks to be as successful as my first surgery ,thank the lord. I still worry every day. But, I can live a normal painless life,so far. Thank you for taking time from your life to respond to my story and I hope you still are pain free of TN. For me , I chose MVD both times. And I agree with you, med will not help you. Again, thank you for your story, it helps to know that other people understand your pain and can relate with you, God bless.
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      I'm sorry to hear that MVD did not work for you. I had it twice, once on each side of my face, 15 years apart. I know it can return, and that scares me. But, while you were at Barrows did they not, offer other options, there are several more. I chose MVD because my doctor, Dr. Shetter explained even though it was more invasive , the results were better. Please look into your other options because meds can only ease the pain temporarily. And the pain will become so excruciating as time passes. I will have you in my prayers and I hope you find a solution that is right for you, may God bles.
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      Hi Lisa, thank you for your post! Am wondering if you had the typical trigeminal neuralgia or type 2 like i have which is a constant burning pain, NOT the sharp shooting pain.  I've read the type i have does NOT respond as well to MVD but haven't met with doctors yet about it.  So happy it worked for you! I hate being on meds as they only seem to help a little then seem to stop working. Thanks!, angela
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      Hi,Angela my pain started as pings, then shocks, then excruciating pain. My pain felt like I was getting electrecuted and like being stabbed through my head. It got to the point where they where like contractions every 3 to 4 minutes. I couldn't brush my teeth or wash my face, any air or wind that hit my face would also cause pain. I no longer wanted to live , I had little ones who couldn't hug me or come near me. I slept sitting up, if I got any sleep at all. I immediately signed on for MVD, when it was explained that it was the best option for me. You mentioned a burning pain and that is not something I experienced . I didn't know there are 2 different types of TN. But, yes mine was the very sharp shooting pain. If you have yet to see your doctor, ask all the questions you can, cause I'm sure there is other options besides meds, I know there is cyber knife and gamma knife. I hope you find what's best for you, and may God be with you , please, keep me updated, thank you.
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      Hi Angela,

      Can you please describe where exactly you feel pain? And for how long it lasts? Also, does "TN type 2" is a professional diagnose given by a doctor?

      I am dealing with an insufferable pain for over 3 years (I’m 53 yo) visited our country top neurologists and neurosurgeon who couldn’t get to a precise diagnose. My symptoms are very similar to TN however it is not the classic case (according the Doctors and Professors). The pain is in the left side of my face and head. It’s like someone is stabbing, burning, electrocute me. It can last for hours and days. I mean, I’m always in pain, there’s no break and usually it’s an extreme one (it’s very unpredictable and random). The pains appears around my ear, eye, nose, upper mouth, upper and rear head and lower jaw (mandible). Cold or wind that hit my face would also cause pain. I’ve heard about MDV, Gamma knife and Cyber knife but I’m afraid that without an exact diagnose I won’t be able to go through one of them.

      Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

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      Am so sorry to hear as i know it is awful to be in chronic pain! I had surgery in 2005 as there was a large tumor wrapped all around my trigeminal nerve.  The pain before surgery were just horrible headaches all the time but no nerve pain--after the surgery the right side of my face was numb to touch and has a constant burning sensation. my right eye also has a burning sensation.   When i wake up i don't feel it but after a few hours it just starts to progress --the burning pain will also include pressure especially around my right eye.  Feels like my eyeball is going to explode.  I will also have a pressure sensation that again increases throughout the day.  Only occasionally will i get the sharp stabbing electrical pain but it's very subtle compared to what most people deal with.  I have tried all the meds.....Lyrica worked but the side effects were awful so i stopped after 6 weeks.  Then when i stopped the pain was about 10 times worse for a few weeks as my body adjusted to not being on the med. It took awhile for me to figure out my triggers as mine weren't the classic ones.  For whatever reason drinking ice cold water all the time helps. avoiding the sun and bright lights help.  wind is awful! spicy foods trigger it! by the evening the pain is the worst and i can't wait to get into bed and put an ice pack on my face and go to sleep.   stress makes my pain much worse so i try to keep that in mind.  exercise is the only thing i've found that helps for whatever reason.  pain is still there but much lower.  from the research i've done the MDV could make me worse which is a frightening thought!  i did find a specialist who did a sphenopalantine block which actually helped for a week.  for some people it works longer.  i've found most doctors don't really know too much about it.  Not sure what area you live in but I'm in LA and there is one specialist here that i have not seen yet who has written articles and has been recommended by two different doctors.  Steven B. Graff-Radford.  Hope that helped!  Your's sounds more like typical trigeminal neuralgia which MDV is much more successful in!  Keep researching!

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      Tali, I too have constant pain, like a dull ache with spurts of sharp pains around and in my ear, eye, side of my nose, lower jaw, neck, under my ear, my temple, and on the top and in the back of my head. I dont seem to have trouble brushing my teeth, chewing, etc but A/C directly on me makes it hurt worse. I have had a CT scan, Ultrasound, blood tests and have been to my dentist because my jaw clicks like TMJ symptoms. I have tried gabapentin which made me so loopy, and now am on lyrica, but after a week it doesnt seem to be helping. I have taken about 150 tylenol in the last 2 weeks. This has been going on since the first of June, now mid -august, I have been off work since jUNE 30, i CANNOT STAND THIS PAIN ANYMORE!!
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      Hi tali, yes, ATN/TN2 is a diagnosis that a doctor can say. It is harder to diagnose, though, since it can mimic some TMJ symptoms, some classic TN symptoms, and can be misdiagnosed as atypical facial pain. Many times there are no outward signs that show the cause. I have ATN which was caused by shingles inside the head. My pain is constant and is in pretty much the same areas as your's. MVDs, Gamma/Cyberknife, balloon decompression, etc. are surgeries that generally are not recommended because these can be more dangerous and painful in the long run. For me, the only solution was getting a neurostimulator. It works to relieve at least 75% - 80% pain relief. There many Facebook support groups for TN/ATN and I have one called TN, ATN, ON Sufferers Group. I would urge you to join it or any other support group. 

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      what is low level laser therapy? who does this and how can in find someone who does this?

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    Hello anyone know someone good to go to in Chicago
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      I googled Chicago Neurosurgeon and Trigeminal Neuralgia and I got a hit for about 10 doctors on a website called docspot Hopefully you can find some reviews about them.
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      I live in Chicago and was just diagnosed with TN on my lower left side in my jaw who was the doctor that you saw in Chicago looking for testimonials for help in my city.


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