How is 2-4 beers abuse?

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Hello well I went to my Doctor last night about my anxiety and admited I drink around 2-4 beers every night and about 6-10 beers on weekends and all of a sudden she said thats abuse. Now I have to see a anxiety and drugs and alcohol counseller. She also said I shouldn't be drinking at all with this medication i take called Olanzapine 5mg.

In your opinion is that abuse? I don't feel bad from drinking that much really.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    HI there. It seems to be too much drinking to much and tricky to cateforise "abuse". I am not a medical person but lots of medicines do state not to drinki at al.. I suggest to be careful and listen to your counsellor and I do wish you best of luck!   
  • Posted

    It is more than the recommended amounts but I wouldn't say it goes as far as abuse during the week. However, alcohol causes anxiety and you should try and cut down. If you feel that you CAN'T cut down, then you could be heading for a problem. Your weekend use IS a problem.

    Olanzepine is not normally prescribed for anxiety.

    It would be good to see a counsellor to deal with the anxiety.

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      Nah I take EFEXOR-XR for the anxiety but Olanzapine for deprssion and obsessive thoughts. But the Docotor was only worried about the Olanzapine while drinking.
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    Not what you want to hear but you if you need to drink every evening then you're for trouble. I know I've been there. It only gets worse in time. Try to have 2 or 3 alcohol free days a week. If you can't then you definitely have an alcohol addiction and will need to do something about it before it takes over your life. As it does with most addicts. Also I was always told medication doesn't do its job if you're drinking, it counteracts its full potential. Sorry but good luck to you..
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    When I quit drinking I went to the doctor she put me on Olanzapine 5mg for 5 days and warned me not to drink on it.... Sorry cant be much help just wanted you to know what I was told . Best of luck to you smile
  • Posted

    I made a poster before that said "Don't drink alcohol -- Come play with dolls". It means for you to go back to doing innocent things.
  • Posted

    Hi, I believe the medical profession considers it to be abuse, apparently drinking double the dailly allowances so 6 units for a woman, 8 for a man (a standard pint of Fosters is 2.3 units) is binge drinking.  I found it really hard to believe so "little" is classed as so bad!

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