How is my "eating disorder" affecting my body??
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I've been making myself throw up almost every day for about a year now. I haven't seeked medical attention but I'm still a little worried how it's affecting my body Btw I'm 16 year old girl
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weenett kitti12345
kitti12345 weenett
Yeah this isn't an answer to my question so I suggest next time unless someone asks for your opinion, you keep it to yourself
weenett kitti12345
weenett kitti12345
Plus ur question is in the mensural disorder section its not really period related so u'll prob not get the answer here
katherine66328 kitti12345
Firstly, I would like to ask you to ignore the comments bellow made by someone who clearly does not understand, and has no willingless to help or listen. In my oppinion, the response was extremely rude and uncalled for.
I would like to start by introducing myself, I am 19 year old student and have suffered with similar problems as you since I was 14. I was avarage/normal weight/BMI from 14-17, ocasionaly dipping slightly to underweight. But during this time I was making myself sick almost daily, limiting calories and overexcersing. However, because my BMI was 18 and I had no prominant physical side affects at the time (apart from fatigue, thinning hair, bad breathe) I was never pushed to seek help (mostly because no on knew). My periods completely stopped when I turned 15, and I began looking and feeling extremely unwell. I manged to control my purging slightly and reduced it greatly, but my period never came back.
All the time, I was more concerned about getting rid of the food and not putting on weight I did not consider the affects it was having on my body. When I was 17/18, my body gave up. I was doing everything I had done before, but my body just couldn't take it anymore. I lost half my body weight in a matter of months and dropped to 5st (which at the time I found very disirable and was convinced I could and should loose more, looking back I see how ill I was) I had a BMI of 13, and could barely walk downstairs I was so weak. My teeth began to rot and part of my oesophagus had eroded away, meaning acid from my stomach was consantly coming up and I had constant hear burn. Due to the amount I was purging, my potassium (needed for your muscles to work correctly) level was low (and had been for several years), at this point it had dropped so low my heart began to shut down and I could not move without experiencing palpitations. My kidney and liver functions was low, and I was in and out of hospital for months on drips. I was then senctioned under the mental health act and admitted to an Eating Disorder clinic, where I spent the next 12 months learning to live again. I have gained the weight back on, met amazing people, and started to feel myself again. It's actually scary looking back at how ill I was, It's all a blur. I still struggle, the purging has not stopped completely and I still get extremely nervous about eating out or infront of people. My time in hospital taught me that Eating Disorders can be deadly, and affect people of all age, sex, and size. One of my friends I met was struggling with binge/purge bulimia and was at a high BMI, put her physical health was sevrely impacted, to the same extant as mine.
I have only just gained my period back (irregular, but back) and will not know the affect it may have had on my fertility for time to come. My oesophagus is still damaged, I have constant heart burn, my teeth are rotting, and I am still taking around 10 prescribed tablets a day to help with all the issues my Eating Disorder.
What I want to say to you is this. You are making yourself sick, you have done for a year. You have an eating disorder. But you have time to get your life back. To fight for yourself. It is not easy, I know. Some days it feels impossible. But I urge you please, talk to someone. A friend, a teacher, a parent, or even just go to your GP. Maybe search the internet for local support groups or charaties, as there are many that offer monthly support groups (which is a step in the right direction). It is not just your physcial health you will loose by your eating disorder. When I was ill I had to drop out of school, lost contact with friends, and it created sevre tension at home. I don't want to scare you, I just want you to see the reality. The ironic thing is at 16 I would google the affects of what I was doing and then think 'it wouldn't happen to me' or not care if it did. I just wanted CONTROL of my weight. The complexity of eating disorders and how it reflects emotions of yourself and low self asteem is little understood by many people in public. But there are people who understand anoumously, and are there to support and guid you through.
I have signed up to this website just to reply to this thread, in hope I somehow help you reach out for the help and support you need to get through this. You ARE a strong person. I know this because I have been where you have been and I know how dark, scary and lonely it is. PLEASE remember you are not a lone. and PLEASE fight this. Because if you don't atleast try, this will impact your entire life, if not take it.
As I'm knew to this acount, i'm not sure if you can message me. But please feel free to, and I will give you any advice, tips or just to listen as much as you need.
"My worst days in recovery are better than my best days in relapse"
"I am begining to measure myself in strength, and not pounds. Sometimes, in smiles"