how long doe it take

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Hi im a women of 50 and now have started the hot flushes et im not on anything at the moment  what is out there for us to ease  or do i have to go alone and  suffer  any help please  thsnks biggrin

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry, but for some women they suffer for years! Lol 

    recently i found out that even after the menopause proper, some women are unfortunate enough to still suffer with hot flushes.

    if you really cant tolerate it then your gp should be able to prescribe tablets.

    but from what i know from forums many women seem to prefer the grin and bear it method ie let nature takes its course and do nothing apart from cold flannels, cool baths and a fan. Not forgetting throwing off the covers or just using a sheet.

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    I dont take anything for them, i seem to find coffee brings them on in the day, im hoping like the other symptoms, they will go!
  • Posted

    You don't have to do it alone, it's all trial and error. What works for one may not another. The hot flushes seem to come and go and on my scale for me don't seem to be the worst. I hated the mood swings, body aches and whole other list of things that seemed to crop up overnight a few years back. 

    Rest assured, these do pass. Just at different paces for all of us. Some go the supplement route others the HRT route and some swear by the AntiDepressant route (yes, some are helpful for relieving hot flushes at lower doses) and some people choose to go natural. It's really what you feel you can tolerate.

    Honestly, no way to tell (I know, dissapointing,right?) how long this will last, but just know it can be uncomfortable for a bit but it does get better.


  • Posted

    You are not alone you just have to talk to your doctor about what medication will work for you. HRTs will help with hot flashes you just have to make sure you can take HRTs also antidepressants help with menopause symptoms just talk to your doctor about what he thinks
  • Posted

    hi ive just been going through the hot flushes stage....anywhere between 9 to 15 a day....and bed clothes on and off. then the last two weeks they just suddenly stopped haven't have any since but symptoms are now sore nipples full breasts and really tired so unsure if I'm actually going to have period....last one was 6th july
  • Posted

    Flipping hormones!!! Lol

    if only men went through this.

  • Posted

    Hi Liz, I went on HRT for a year because of hot flushes mood swing etc,it was great worked a treat but I got high blood pressure and gained a stone in weight ,maybe u can try it but I've decided to come off them just to see can I cope , maybe try to do some excercise like walking and some of the herbal remedies, it's not a nice time but u will get there 

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