How long does it take for the HRT to start working?

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finally go my GP to put me on HRT - it's been 4 weeks now and no change in the way I am feeling - in fact the symptoms seem worse. I too had my periods right up until last year age 55 - well it's only been 4mths since my last period so no idea what been going on. Coz when I started the HRT bang the period came back which was a month ago. So I am yet to see what happens. In regards to being around stressful people! Trying being married to one! My husband is like a walking time bomb! He's always yelling and getting angry about something or the other, and now I am starting to become like that I have such anger issues, irritable and less forgiving of people who have hurt or offended me. Totally different to the kind of person I used to be.

so many time I have contemplated taking my own life, but then I would think about my kids, and feel real bad for them like how would they cope with the loss of their mother, they too are having stress issues in their lives. my daughter gets depressed, pregnancy hormones. My son suffered from anxiety and depression he's a young adult but still very dependant on me.


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    When it rains it pours. Many of us have been in your shoes. If you choose HRT treatment for menopause it depends on what your doctor prescribes . Ask you doc if it's right for you and also,discuss all,the stress in your life.

    i hope your stress can be managed better and your health is very important. 

    Take it it one day at a time. We can't do it all so my tale is only take what you can handle and be careful,not to tumble over so many depending on you. 

  • Posted

    I hear you girl! Same thing. Same husband, same thoughts. I think bad husbands make it much worse, if not cause the whole thing. Women in good marriages hardly experience meno, in my opinion. Because it is all stress!
    • Posted

      Not really. I am in a great marriage and yet went through the ringer with peri/menopausal symptoms. It's how our body handles the sometimes sudden crash in hormones and everyone is different. Some have a smoother landing. I didn't and my husband is an incredible person. He's been very supportive while he's watched his once confident, relatively nice looking wife morph into this unpredictable, crybaby hag. Ughhh. Most days lately are better than 2 yrs ago, but it was rough. I also tried HRT therapy but it seemed we could never find the right mixture for me, including the biodentical route and other paths we went. I have had other friends in lousy marriages sail through menopause with hardly a notice. Menopause doesn't really have much sense to it really.

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      Too bad! I hoped at least  some lucky girls would get a break from this horror wink
  • Posted

    Sounds like you are not getting enough Oestrogen.  Get your GP to put you Estrodial, it is natural and  you can go from 1 - 4 pumps per day.  I currently have 3 pumps.  Good luck with it x
  • Posted

    Hi - there are so many HRT to choose from. I would go straight back to your doctor & change. If you get the right one for you its amazing. I am on HRT & would not be without it!

    If you goggle your menopause symptems & look at different HRT tablets you should be able to see a few brands that relate to your symptems!

    I take Vit b6 for my moods wich help a little?  Good luck & dont give up!

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