How long does mirtazapine tak to work
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Hi I am 75 year old male my gp told me I have had nervous breakdown that was six weeks ago now I was given 30 mg mirtazapine I have not had any time it has helped me I am not sleeping I live on soup has anyone took that long for them to kick in help would be very nice many thanks tweety.
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Fudgeybear1 brian52532
London_ridge brian52532
Sorry to hear your having a rough time of it. You need to get back to your doctor because from experience only the mirt should not only help you sleep but increase your appetite as well. I'm 60 and I've heard that sometimes with people who are older like us the mirt isn't such a good choice for medication I don't know why...
it seems to be doing the opposite for you so please call and get an appt.
mirt also seems to work the first week I took it.
please call the doc....good luck, hang in there and let me know how you are doing!
London_ridge brian52532
what type of pain are you in anyhow, is it physical or is it the depression? It makes a difference on which medication is best.
when I'm depressed and anxious it's very hard for me to get the energy to find another doctor or another way. Why not enlist someone to help advocate for you. I think there are not lines or crisis lines. Explain that you feel uncomfortable with the meds you are on. That you are depressed and need the help of someone to go to the doctor with you perhaps?
Hang in there, it's really hard and let me know how you are doing. I care!
NickOliver brian52532
louisthin brian52532
Personally all I needed during/ after my breakdown was something that allowed me to relax, just a simple thing, to regain my bearings. Valium or similar does that, antidepressants mess with your brain, and I think for a nervous breakdown are the wrong treatment. I've been ruined for over a year by them, I think, when I could probably have snapped out of it. Now I do not see a way out.
NickOliver louisthin
louisthin brian52532
With all the pain you talk of have you had MRIs etc.?
Fudgeybear1 louisthin